• XIX •

365 17 4

🚨 Smut Warning

I woke up in a cold sweat, thrashing my arms and legs, tangled in the covers.

"You're ok, Y/N. You're safe," Midas said to me, pulling me into his arms. He sounded frightened, as though I had startled him awake.

I immediately relaxed as I remembered where I was. "I was...I was falling again," I said, still breathless from the nightmare.

He was holding me tightly, cheek on my forehead. "Do you have bad dreams often?" he asked me.

"I mean, only a couple lately. I used to have them almost every night at Shadow." I felt myself getting choked up at the memories. "They, uh...they made me do...um, a lot of bad shit, and..."

"It's over now," he said, interrupting me, squeezing me tighter. "I'll never let them hurt you again."

I sighed, and buried my face in his neck, his scent soothing me as I breathed him in deeply. I pulled away from him so that I could look at him in the morning light.

God, he can't be real.

The sun had recently peeked above the horizon, casting the room in an orange glow. The beams of light reflecting off of his hands were blinding.

I was mesmerized as I ran my fingers over them, fascinated with how they prickled my fingertips.

I moved up, following the gold into his tattoos, studying them as I traveled up his shoulder, up his neck. I used my hand to gently lift his chin to get a better look at the ones underneath.

He lay silently, facing me, his golden eye watching me with interest as he let me examine him.

I reached up and dragged my thumb down the long scar over his eye, from his forehead to his cheek, brushing it across his eyelashes on the way. He didn't flinch his milky white eye, and I wondered if he were fully blind in it.

The angle of the sun's rays through the windows cast shadows on his face, highlighting his bone structure. I traced his cheekbone, then his jawline, before parting his lips with my thumb, feeling his hot breath on my hand as he exhaled.

He suddenly reached a hand behind my neck and rolled me onto my back, hovering over me, propped on his other elbow. He leaned down and kissed me, so softly, lingering on my mouth, gripping the nape of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around his back as he pulled his mouth away, our foreheads and noses pressed together.

We sat like this and stared into each other's eyes for a long time, breathing each other's air, basking in each other's presence. I was overwhelmed with emotion, unsure of what it was in that moment, but positive that we were sharing something.

He opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it, as though he were trying to work up the courage to say something. His eyes were pensive as he took a couple of shaky breaths.

"Let me make love to you," he finally whispered.

As if I had any other recourse.

I sharply drew in my breath as my stomach did a somersault. I nodded my head, and he pressed his lips back into mine.

The kiss grew heated straight away, our tongues tangling together, our hands groping each other's bodies frantically. I moaned into his mouth as he bucked his hips into the side of my thigh, his erection already prominent.

I had never been kissed with this much fervency, this much passion. It made my whole body weak, and I shakily spread my legs in prostration as he climbed between them, mounting me.

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