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God, my head is SPLITTING.

I slowly opened my eyes, and then shot bolt upright as the events of the previous night came back to me. I looked around the room, quickly realizing that he was already gone. I hadn't heard him leave.

I was trying not to take it personally, I knew he had an Agency to run, but I couldn't help feeling a little abandoned. I was getting worried things would be even more awkward between us now.

I knew it was just sex, I mean great sex, but still just sex. I couldn't expect anything more from him, and didn't really even want more. I kept having to remind myself that he was one of the richest and most famous people in the world, and could literally have anybody he wanted, and there was no way he was going to settle for someone like me. He probably fucked women all the time. He was good at it.

It was still hot in my room, my nakedness not making a difference. I slid out of bed and walked over to the kitchen, picking my clothes from yesterday off the floor and throwing them on, without underwear for now. I needed to shower and didn't want to use up any clean clothes, I was running out of things to wear that were comfortable in this hellish temperature.

I noticed a strange smell while dressing, almost rotten. I took a peek inside the trash can to see if I'd left something in there that had gone putrid in the heat, but didn't see anything, then ran some water in the sink in case there was food stuck in the drain.

While standing there I poured a glass of water and drank it greedily. Undoubtedly dehydration was a major cause of my current headache, considering the alcohol from last night, and all the sweating I'd been doing the last couple of days.

I set down my glass and started to walk to the bathroom, passing by the couch. I stopped dead in my tracks.

On the back of the couch was a perfect golden handprint.

I walked over to inspect it more closely, running my fingers over it, tapping it to test how solid it was. It was superficial, hard on the top of the couch fibers, but definitely didn't go deep.

I wondered how he controlled it. I was pretty sure I knew the moment when it had happened, and his other hand had been on my back at the time. Based on what I'd witnessed in the prison cell, I would have known it if he'd marked me as well.

I was pretty sure he could turn things to solid gold based on the items I'd seen around him, and obviously he could leave an imprint, but I couldn't find so much as a shimmer on myself from where he'd touched me.

My stomach fluttered as I remembered his hands on my body, that pervasive tingling sensation. I tried to shake it off, I couldn't spend the whole day distracted by him again.

I proceeded to the bathroom to shower, and afterward dressed myself in a pair of shorts and a white tank, putting on my combat boots. When I came out I noticed the smell a little more strongly, and made a mental note to check it out after I got back.

My plan for today was to figure out what the hell was wrong with the air conditioning unit. There had been maintenance guys hovering around for days and it wasn't fixed yet. I had mostly worked on boats and cars, and an occasional helicopter, but I wanted to take a look at the unit myself since nobody else seemed to be able to figure it out, and I was the one suffering down in this hellhole.

I assumed the units would be on the roof, so I left my room and headed in that direction. The heat had made me lose my appetite so I decided to just skip breakfast.

The rotten smell was less noticeable in the hallway. I made my way to the top of the building, consisting of an elevator ride and a brief walk up a flight of stairs. I opened the door, squinting at the bright sunlight. At least it had stopped storming.

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