summer camp

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i stood on a tree branch as i saw flames and smoke cover the trees.
'villians maybe?' i thought as i activated my flame quirk and made myself a walking flame to protect myself from the posionous gas.
i found some people.
"akuma?" someone asked. i looked over to see izuku.

"izuku? where are you going?" i asked him as he was facing one direction.

"i need to go and find koda" he said. i nodded.

"get on my back, i will take you to him i know where his hide out" i said.

He got on my back and i shot us into the sky bakugou style. i dropped him off on the cliff and shot off looking for other people. 

after finding some people and taking them to the main building. i found tokoyami and dark shadow freaking out. shoji had pulled me out of the way, he had a battered up izuku on his back.
"akuma, just the person we need. can you use your flames to calm down dark shadow?" he asked. i shrugged.

"its called black flame for a reason, if i have to make it bright it would be really hot causing me to probally burn myself or all my clothes off, ive already destroyed my gloves" i said lifting up my bare hands.

"please" he begged. i sighed and started taking off my hoodie while facing the other way.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"im going to make my top half on fire, i'll end up burning up my clothes though oh and dont look at me cause it might hurt your eyes" i said.

I stood there topless. i throw my hoodie ,bra and tshirt at him and set myself on fire at the hottest temperture I could do causing me to be really bright. i walk over in the direction of dark shadow.

"tokoyami, dark shadow!" i shout and dark shadow looks in my dirction before calming down immediatly. i calm down my flames and surprise surprise im completly topless.
tokoyami flushes red immeditly after relizing i was topless.

"jesus christ, their just tits" i said wards re dressed my top half after grabbing my clothes from shoji(who was also red faced). afterwards tokoyami thanked me.

"thank you akuma" he said and tried to hug me. i shook my head and stood away from him.

"no hugs" i said and lifted my hands" i dont want to risk hurting someone" 

"i understand, shall we find some of the others" he suggested. eventually we found bakugou and tokoroki after explaining the situation to tokoyami what happened and the villains goal, which was to kidnap bakugou.

I'm going to kill my dad at this point, he is taking the piss. first the USJ attack now kidnapping one of my classmates.

While we were trying to find out way out of the forest, which I should have been able to do since I helped a couple groups of people out of the forest. I have covered the entire group in a thin layers of fire to protect us from the poisonous gas. 

Eventually we found ururaka and tsu being attack by a blonde villain I know as Toga.
I walked away from the group as soon as Toga came into view and ran at her holding the girl at her neck four fingers on.

"Shigaraki?" She called me in a hushed voice. I tightened my grip on her neck, I only had four fingers on it, and dragged her away from my friends as they all looked shocked.

"Stab me and I'll kill you"i told her quietly, I faced the other.

"Go on without me, I'll find you"i told them and I took toga somewhere else.

Once we were far away from my friends I pinned her against a tree.

"Why does my dad want bakugou?" I asked still holding my hand against her neck.

"Oh my, I didn't realize that shiggy had such attractive daughter"she flirted. I growled and pressed my hand tighter around her neck causing her to choke a bit.

"Do you want to know something toga?" I asked and she nodded. I leaned down to her ear and roughly bit it which caused her to squeal a bit and get flustered.

"At birth I killed my own mother which my dad prides himself on, I could kill you right now and no one will question where you have gone so answer the question" I whisper into her ear. She nods, face still red as a tomato.

"He wants bakugou to become a villain, your dad thinks he had potential" she explained. And I let go of her, and she stabs me in the arm.

"You fucker" I groan as she stabs me with her little syringe needle thing. But before she can get any blood out a disinterate it.

"Thanks but no thanks" I say and she wipes her knife at my face causing her to leave a cut on my face that runs from my left cheek bone to my nose. I kick her in the gut and she falls over, she cuts my a bit on my calf.

"Why?" I ask her after she doesn't attack me again.

"Don't you want your friends to think that we fought don't you?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah whatever"

"What's your name? You already know mine"

"Akuma" I say. She nods and skips off.

"Well nice fighting with you akuma" she said and disappears.

Eventually I found my friends, izuku was barley awake and bakugou was being a little bitch and refusing to walk in the middle of the group. Oh and I'm pretty sure my arm anf calf is bleeding out so while I was walking I disinfected the wounds with fire and ripped my good arm of and made it into a make shift bandage. As for the cut on my cheek I just left it as I could risk burning my face.

"I'm back" I tell them and ururaka hugged me. I just stood their really stiff as I don't really like hugs.

"Are you ok?" She asked inspecting me and she frowns at the cut on my face and the wounds on my calf and arm.

"I'm fine"

"Are you sure? Ribbit" tsu asked. I nodded once again and ururaka let goes off me after she realizes that I'm uncomftable.

"trust me tsu, afew stab wounds arent going to kill me" i reassured her. she nods.

"well im glad your ok shimura"todoroki said. i nod at him.

We continued to travel through the forest, bakugou was being a stubbon little shit and stayed at the back of the group.

"hey where is bakugou?" i asked i looked behind us. everyone looks behind us and i look up to see compress standing on a tree branch holding 2 little blue pearls. i take another look around to see  that both bakugou and Tohoyami were missing.Then it hit Me, Compress had taken them both.

"Guys"I said getting my classmates attention.

"What is it Shimura?"ochako asked.I pointed up at where compress was. The 2 of us were Staring at each other, intense eye contact if you would like to say.

"He's got Bakugou and Tokoyami"I said with a monotonal voice. I couldn't Let compress know that I was paranoid that he was also going to take me,after all he's been working with my dad since I was about 9,I knew what he is capable of.

"dude thats not very manly" kirishima commented. i sighed, why was this happening.

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