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Akuma's pov

I snuck out of the hospital, and made my way to the LOV hide out.
My dad,Shigaraki probally wanted bakugou to join the LOV. I was born into the LOV and it's dreadful, my mother's quirk was illusions and my dad's quirk is decay, unfortunately I was born with my dad's quirk but All for one gave me a black flame.

I sigh as i pull my headphones and my phone out of my pocket double checking my gloves were on properally. I place my headphones in and make my way to the base.

I open the door to the base and everyone turns to face me.
"Shigaraki, your daughter is here" Dabi calls.
"Aww your adorable aren't you??" Toga says. I give her my classic death glare and storm over to my father, pulling my hood off and taking my headphones out and placing them in my pockets.
I walk straight up to him and slapped him.
"Your a disappointment!! You don't just kidnap a highschool student, bakugou isn't going to become a villain and you know that" I shout at him, everyone in the room was speechless as no one cares to shout at the 'leader'.
"What do you know about bakugou?" My father's says re adjusting the hand on his face.
"He's in my class at UA you imbecile, your literally leading the heroes to you. One of the students has left a tracking device on one of your little helpers, i don't like you guys rebelling against the heroes, their going to find you"i said getting calmer as i spoke.
Afew of them started freaking out and brushing if the outfits.
From were he was, bakugou started to wake up.
"Wait,WHERE THE FUCK AM I?"bakugou said as soon as he came to his senses. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on me.
"Akuma, why are you with these bastards?" He asked, calmer than he would usually.
"Yeah what are you doing here?" Spinner asked.
"Shut up, you heard the conversation me and my father were previously having" I said snapping at him.
"Your father?" Bakugou asked confused.
"I'll explain later" I said standing to the side. I stood by the wall as the villains hopelessly tried to convince bakugou to join the league.
From were he was sitting my father ordered dabi to undo bakugous chains.
"You know he's going to to fight us right?" Dabi said not even moving from where he was standing.
"Its fine. We need to treat him like an equal since we're scouting him, besides you can tell if you'll win or not if you fight in this situation,right UA student? Or should I says students since my daughter has already betrayed the league?" He said. I snorted from where I was standing. I could tell bakugou was annoyed and confused due to his face.
"Twice you do it" Dabi said.
"Why me? Why not akuma? She's his friend right?" He said walking up to bakugou with hesitation.
"I do apologise for using such forceful methods, But please understand that we are not just a mob trying to commit crimes"said a guy in a hat in mask, he must be new along with toga and dabi but i already knew then from the camp attack that happened afew nights ago. "We didn't kidnap you by accident" he added on as i watched twice unlock bakugous confinements.
"Even though our situations differ, everyone here has been restricted and suffered because of people......rules... and heroes...I'm sure you also-" my father said.
"Or even if your born into this way of life" I said under my breath as bakugou was rubbing his wrists, he suddenly stood up and attacked twice in the face with an explosion and then did the same to my dad.
The hand on my dad's face, i think it was my grandfather's hand, fell off and crashed into the floor.
"Shigaraki!" Twice called as the smoke went away. I went over and stood besides bakugou, choosing my enemy over family
"I listened quietly to your endless talking...idiots can't get to the point, so they're always talking for a long time. Basically, you mean ' We wanna harass people, so please join us', right? I want to win like All Might and I bet Akuma wants to as well" he said and quickly looked up at me. I was still standing besides him as he crouched onto the floor.
"Kurogiri, compress, make him go to sleep again, leave akuma i think we need to have a word" my father said I fisted my hands as compress walked over to us.
"I can't believe he's such a bad listener" i said with a sigh pulling off one of my gloves," I'm almost impressed"
"If you want me to listen to you, then get on your knees and die!" Bakugou said. I got in a fighting stance ready to fight compress and kurogiri. I grew up with these idiots I know there weaknesses.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Hello, this is pizza-la, Camino store" said someone said from the other side of the door. Everyone looked around at each other.
The wall exploded.
"SMASH!!" Shouted all might as he 'flew' in.
"What the?" Someone shouted
"Kurogiri! gate!" My father shouted.
"Pre-emptive binding...... lacquered chain prison!" All Might said and kamui wood wrapped his wood arms(?) Around all the villains.
"A tree? Why the heck?" Dabi said and tried to use his quirk. Grand tornino came in and put of the fire with the air coming out of his feet.
"Don't be impatient, itd be in your best interests to stay put" he said while putting out the small amount of fire.
"You can't run anymore, league of villain! Why? Cause WE are here!" All Might said.
I looked around the now destroyed room while pulling my glove back on and crossing my arms. I'm not impressed I wanted to kill my dad finally.
"Right after that press conference, don't tell me this was pre-arranged?" Compress said.
Toga and twice were whining at kamui wood to loosen his grip.
"We're not the only ones here from the pizza-la Camino store" edgeshot said coming through the door, he opened it to reveal armed soldiers.
"Outside, you're surrounded by skilfull heroes, like endeavour, and the police." He said. Well there goes my chance to walk out.
All Might drew his attention away from the villains and over to me and bakugou.
"Young Akuma what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Its a long story" I said scratching the back of my neck and flashing my 3 fingered gloves to basically everyone.
"Well we'll discuss it later, now young bakugou you did good bearing it, I'm sorry, young man." All Might said.
"I wasn't scared, not even close, damn it!" He said, suddenly kurogiri and my father got loose. They grabbed me and bakugou and walked through the teleporting gate, some how. The rest of the league wasn't with us. When i looked around we were near the place in which all for one 'lives'.

Let's just say that there was a huge fight scene, All might revealed his true form and he fought all for one. Oh and all might retired.

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