the midoriyas

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After saving bakugou and the stupid shit that happened the last few days I was left basically homeless since i was out of money and I didn't have a way to ask dabi or one for all for money. I slept on the streets for a few nights before thinking out a plan.
Deku was one of my good friends known since middle school, so I ended up dragging myself to his house. Making sure my 3 fingered gloves was on properly I knocked on the door. A few moments later deku's mother answered.
"Akuma? Izuku didn't tell me he was having friends over. What are you doing here?" She asked.
"You how that one time in middle school you said I could always crash on your couch, well I'd like to take up that offer"i said awkwardly.
"What happened?" She asked inviting me in. I sat on the sofa as she went to the kitchen.l didn't say anything until she came back with a plate of cookies.
"Do you want one?" She asked as she saw me eyes them.
"Yes please" i said taking one. I ate it while she watched me eat.
"So what happened?" She asked.
"Dad kicked me out" I lied, i don't want to tell her the truth.
"What about your mother? Can she look after you?" Inko asked.
I shook my head.
"She died giving birth to me, i was born with my dad's quirk which is decay. I basically killed her with a part of my quirk" I said mumbling the last part.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, well UA is planning on moving the students to dorms soon so until then you can stay here. I'll see if izuku will let you sleep in his room"she said.
"No it's fine, I'll sleep on the sofa"
"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded.
"I've slept on worse" I said, there was a knock on the door.
"Akuma could you get the door, it'll probably be one of your other classmates" she said getting up to go to the kitchen.
I got up and answered the door. It was All Might and Aizawa.
"Hi" I said awkwardly.
"Is Mrs midoriya there?" Aizawa asked trying to look behind me with a suspicious look on this face.
"Young Akuma, what are doing at midoriya's house" all might asked as i invited them in.
"I got kicked out so I'm staying at izuku house for a while, we were childhood friends"i said "inko, All Might and Aizawa are here" I called out.
"Can you go get izuku, he should be in his room?" She asked. I nodded and went to his room. Knocking on the door.
"Hey deku? Your mom wants you" I said pocking my head threw the crack of the door "Oh and I'm crashing here for a while" I added and walked back into the Living room. 

i stand awkwardly in the corner of the living room as they all talk. yeah i guess i feel out of place, well ive always felt out of place by growing up with villains and a decaying quirk that everyone is afraid off.
"what about akuma?" i heard inko ask.
"well speaking of Akuma we need to take her with us for questioning" aizawa said. i felt my heart speed up. oh shit.
"what for?" inko asked.
"about bakugous kidnapping, she was at the scene with the villains" all might said "as long as everything goes alright she will be back here as soon as possible"
"ok" she said she nodded at me.

a few hours later i was sitting in an interrogation room. i knew that i had fucked up as all might entered the room and sat opposite me.
"look akuma just tell us the real reason why you were there and we can get this over with and you can leave" he said
"you'd put me in prison anyway, no one would believe my story" i said not even breaking eye contact with the retired pro hero.
"if you tell he truth we'll know, ok"
"where do i start?" i asked.
"at the beginning"
"ok well it all begins with my mom i guess all that i know of her is from the files that my dad has, she was a pro hero with the quirk of illusion. she had came along finding the league of villians base on accident. all for one ordered that they kept her captive; they could do whatever they wanted to her as long as she lived, my dad and her fell in love and 9 months later i was born in the league, daughter of the decaying villain. when i was born they had already gotten all the info that they could have gotten out of her, i was a rare type of child since i was born with my quirk, my first quirk decay tho it wasn't strong apparently i almost killed her. my dad killed her and for my entire life i was raised to become a powerful villain.

I was even given a second quirk i said, all might looked shocked, we sat in silence before i started talking again.

"i always hated the 'family' i grew up with, i hated the idea of killing and destroying things so i secretly joined the middle school which bakugou and midoroyia went to, i became one of izukus closest friends. Shigaraki, my father thought i was out recruiting more villains ....... i joined UA and the league expected me to be a spy, i refused and threated to rat them out to the police. telling them that i didn't want to become a villain but a hero. Twice and dabi gave me enough money for my school stuff and for me to find a place to sleep. everytime they attacked 1A i practically shouted at them through the phone for multiple hours cause of that. After the summer camp and bakugou got kidnapped i knew i couldn't just sit there fiddling my thumbs waiting for the heroes to show up and I didn't want to tell the heros directly that I knew where the base was cause so didn't wanna seem suspicious , i went to the base and tried to 'persuade' my father to let him go, he didn't listen but neither did he let me go after i had confronted him about it. i'm sorry" i said hanging my head in shame "if i haven't of joined UA my father and the league would have not attacked UA"
"no" all might said
"what?" i said looking up at him.
"its my fault" he said
"no, no don't you dare blame yourself. i should have just have listened to my father and became a villain" i said shaking my head and looking the retired hero in the eyes.
"its my fault and don't blame yourself you did the right thing by trying to become a hero, young akuma" he said.
"am i going to be locked up?" i asked fearfully.
"have you committed any crimes while growing up in the league?" he asked. i shook my head.
"all for one wanted me to be a secret weapon of his, he was waiting for the 'right time' to reveal me"i admitted. all might nodded and stood up.
"all might?" i asked as he got to the door.
"you knew my great grandmother didn't you?" i asked him.
"and who was she" he asked me lifting one of his eye brows at me.
"nana shimura, i found one of her diaries in the archives of the lov base. i know your secret about one for all" i said. i swear i saw a tear run down his face.
"thank you young shimura" all might said and with that he left.
afew hours later i was let out of the interrigation room, inko was waiting outside the police station for me and we walked back to her place in silence. She didn't ask anything and I'm glad that she didn't.

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