Chapter Six

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Luke walked to work and immediately saw Ashton waiting for him.

"Where have you been?" Ashton asked, "You said you would tell me the reason why you were late."

"I know, I know," Luke said, "Give me a chance to explain."

"Fine," Ashton replied, "Tell me while we're working."

"So, I was in art class and I spilled paint all over the floor. I got really pissed off and cursed. Then Michael cursed and started joking around about how I thought I would be in trouble. Well, Michael and I both ended up getting detention," Luke explained.

"Who's Michael? Ashton asked, changing into his uniform.

"He's some kid in my art class who's always trying to get my attention. I don't know why, though. I don't know why he finds me interesting," Luke answered.

"Just out of curiosity, what does Michael look like?" Ashton asked.

"He has black and white hair, and is a little bit shorter than me," Luke told Ashton.

"Isn't he that guy we gave chicken to yesterday?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, I think that's him," Luke said, "Let's go."

Michael walked from school to Calum's house right after detention, and saw him standing outside the front door on the porch.

"Where were you after school?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

Michael sighed and said, "I was in detention."

"Why?" Calum asked.

"I joked about someone in my class getting in trouble, and then I got in trouble," Michael answered.

"And who is this someone? Do I know him or her?" Calum asked.

"His name is Luke Hemmings," Michael told him.

"Then I don't know him," Calum said, "What do you know about him?"

"Not much, really," Michael explained, "He's in my art class, he's really tall, he has blonde hair, he's pretty mysterious and secluded, and he was arguing with some guy during detention. That's all I know."

"Mysterious in what way?" Calum asked curiously.

"Well, on the first day of school, we bumped into each other. I saw some pieces of paper on the ground and assumed they were his, so I asked what they were, and he said it wasn't any of my business. He rarely talks to me now," Michael said, sighing.

"Do you want him to talk to you more?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," Michael answered.

"Well, I have an idea. Find an opportunity to get to know him. Partner up with him for a project, join a club that he might be in, hang out with him after school, just do something with him and nobody else. Make sure it's just the two of you so you can really get to know each other," Calum told him.

"Okay. I will. Thanks, Cal," Michael said.

"Anytime, mate," Calum replied.

Michael knew exactly what he was going to do.

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