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Luke bit his lip nervously.

He had applied to a community college to pursue art, while Michael had applied to another to pursue writing original music, which he discovered a passion for about a year after meeting Luke, seeing as they could both play guitar and sing. However, Luke still enjoyed art just a little bit more.

He waited for Michael to come back home. Yes, home.

Once Luke turned eighteen, he decided that he would live with Michael and his family. He got sick and tired of staying home along most of the time because of his parents and siblings not being there.

Michael was pretty much like family to Luke, since they had gotten closer over the years.

He packed up his belongings and stayed at Michael's house until they both got enough money to buy theirown place.

With all the money Luke had from his previous job at KFC and the money Michael had earned from strumming his guitar on the streets, they were getting somewhere. Maybe they were off to a slow start, but they were getting somewhere.

Ever since the end of their sophomore year, they were practically inseparable. They were always there for each other, through the good times and the bad. When Luke had gotten fired from his job and had no idea what he was going to do, Michael was there to cheer him up. When Michael had gotten his eyebrow piercing when he turned eighteen, Luke was there to hold his hand and make the whole experience less painful.

Luke stared at the envelopes in front of him - one for him and one for Michael He thought about opening his, but then again, wanted to wait until Michael came back so they could both open theirs together.

He turned around and saw Michael walking inside.

He immediately handed Michael the envelope because he couldn't stand waiting any longer.

"Go ahead," Luke said, grabbing his envelope as well, "Open it."

Michael nodded.

The two of them quickly ripped the envelopes open to see the pieces of paper that would determine their fate for the next couple years of their lives.

"Oh my gosh," Michael mumbled in shock, covering his mouth with his hand.

"What happened?" Luke asked nervously.

"I got in!" Michael exclaimed.

"Michael, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" Luke shouted, not really knowing what else to say, even though what he said was true.

"Did you get in?" Michael asked.

Luke was too focused on Michael's success to even read the letter.


Michael grabbed the envelope out of Luke's hand and read it carefully.

"Luke, this is unbelievable!" Michael exclaimed.

"What?" Luke asked nervously, "Did I get in?"

"You got in," Michael answered.

"Oh my gosh," Luke said in shock.

"I knew you would," Michael replied, hugging the blonde boy.

Luke felt a little tear slip out of his eye, but it was a tear of pride and joy. He couldn't be happier.

He may have had a little bit of a bump in the road in his life, but now, he felt on top of the world, as if his life couldn't possibly be any better. He has a new apartment to live in and a chance to do want he wanted to do in life, and his friends couldn't be more supportive.

It's funny how this all started with a simple work of art.

Author's Note: HI! Sorry for the incredibly cheesy ending, but that's how I end a majority of my stories. And who said cheesy wasn't good?



I'm kind of sad about it, to be honest. I've worked on this story since the middle of January, and today's date is August 16th. This story was really fun to write, and in going to miss writing it.

Thank you so much to 1d_5sos_edsheeran ,5secondslastsforever ,
larry-loves-lashton ,
meli5sos_ ,
and all the other people whose usernames I can't remember off the top of my head that frequently voted and commented on this story, you know who you are.

Thank you for getting this story to nearly a thousand reads as of now, I honestly didn't expect it to be very popular.

Thanks to everyone who read this story, whether you've read it since I started writing it, or if you just recently started reading it and have finally finished.

I cannot thank you enough for all the support on this story, whether it's votes, comments, or just reading the story in general.

Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you!

For the last time, I hope you enjoyed reading this story.

-Megan :-)

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