Chapter Ten

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"Just one more class," Luke whispered to himself, "Thank goodness."

Luke walked towards his locker to grab his textbook for his fifth period class. As he walked away from his locker, he could've sworn heard somebody yelling his name.


Luke turned around and saw Ashton trying to get his attention. He was surprised that it was Ashton trying to talk to him instead of Michael.

"Oh. Hey, Ashton," Luke mumbled, "What's going on?"

"Um, uh, not much, really," Ashton said. "I'll see you at work today though, right?"

"Yeah, see you at work," Luke said before waving goodbye to Ashton and running away.

During the middle of class, Luke felt his phone vibrate. He rolled his eyes, knowing somebody texted him. He felt guilty if he didn't answer a text message - if someone sent him one, that is.

Luke was already having enough trouble paying attention to the lesson. He thought about meeting with Michael for lunch. He thought Michael actually seemed like a nice person and slightly regretted ignoring him for the past few days of the school year.

Luke assumed he would already get in trouble for paying attention, so he quickly took his phone out of his pocket and read the message. Sure enough, it was from his possible new friend.

From: Michael

Class is almost over! Thank goodness we have lunch next. I'll see you in a bit.

When the teacher wasn't looking, Luke rapidly typed a reply to Michael's text message.

To: Michael

I know, right? I'll see you later, Mikey.

Luke wondered if it was too soon to give Michael a nickname, but then thought that he probably wouldn't care.

Luke had the feeling that he would get into trouble for texting, so he put his phone back in his pocket and let out a sigh of relief knowing he didn't get caught.

The lunch bell rang a few minutes later and Luke rushed through the crowd of people to get out of the classroom and closer to his locker so he could meet Michael.

He felt a bit of excitement when thinking about Michael. It was hard for Luke to admit it to himself, since he pretty much ignored Michael and acted as if he was invisible for the past few days. He was a bit curious as to why he was excited to see Michael, but didn't let it bother him much.

They both just wanted to see each other, and that's really all that mattered.

Luke was walking towards his locker to get his lunch when he could've sworn that someone was creeping up behind him.

One person came to mind - James.

Luke tried not to panic about the situation and just continued walking until he got to his locker.

He unlocked his lock and grabbed his lunch, when he heard someone behind him faintly say "hello."

Luke screamed, turning around and seeing that the person wasn't who he thought it was.

"It's just me, Luke, no need to freak out," Michael said.

"Oh," Luke replied, "I'm sorry, I-I just, I just t-thought that y-you were s-someone else."

"Don't worry about it," Michael told Luke, "I totally understand. I've mistaken people for other people before. It's okay."

Luke smiled and just talked with Michael as they both ate their lunch.

Suddenly, all his worries about the whole situation with James just went away.

Luke finally figured it out - Michael changed him. Maybe it was not for the worse after all, but it was for the better.

Author's Note: Hi! It is now summer break for me, and I have more time to write, so hopefully I'll be able to finish this story before school starts again. There's a lot of drama coming up later on that I planned out, and part of this chapter foreshadows the upcoming drama. So just you wait. 😉

What are your thoughts on Luke and Michael texting in class?

Luke and Michael being excited to see each other?

Luke freaking out about James?

If you have any questions about this story, please let me know. Unless you want a spoiler of what happens next... you'll have to wait.

Also, I'm planning for this story to have 20 chapters, maybe 25. I'm glad you are enjoying it so far!

-Megan :-)

A Work of Art * Muke AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz