Chapter Two

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Finally, Luke thought to himself as he was walking to his seventh period class.

He looked at the map of the school, then at the clock on his phone, then back at the map. Even though it was his first day, he still didn't want to be late - that would make him late to two of his classes in one day. He couldn't be this late every day; it would decrease the chances of getting into a good college and also wouldn't look good on his record.

Unlike all the other classes, Luke was excited for art. He already thought of himself as a good artist, so the class would be an easy A.

As soon as Luke walked in the classroom, he recognized Tristan immediately and sat down in the seat next to his.

"Where were you?" Luke asked, "I haven't seen you all day!"

"I guess we have different class schedules," Tristan answered.

"I guess we do," Luke mumbled.

Luke spotted a boy with vibrant blue hair glaring at him, and he didn't know the reason.

The bell rang and Luke tried not to think about this boy.

Michael looked around the room and recognized a familiar face.

Michael saw the teacher at her desk, minding her own business and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go talk to him.

"Hey, you're the boy I bumped into in the hallway," he said.

The boy turned around.

"Yes," the boy replied, "Now please leave me alone."

"I want to get to know you a bit more," Michael told him.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well, you like to draw," Michael said, "We already have that in common."

Luke didn't respond.

"Come on, don't ignore me," Michael said with a sad expression on his face.

The teacher turned around and saw them talking.

"Hemmings! Clifford! Quit chatting and get back to work!"

"Sorry," Luke mumbled before he glared at Michael.

He turned around, trying to focus on his painting and nothing else. He carefully grabbed his palette, trying to hold it with one hand and painted with the other.

Luke slowly set the palette down by the edge of his desk and swapped one of his smaller brushes for a bigger one. He attempted to grab his palette with only the grip of his thumb, looked back up at his painting for a split second and dropped the palette, spilling paint all over the floor.

"Crap," Luke mumbled over and over, "Crap. Crap. Crap."

"Oh sh*t!" Michael exclaimed, "you're in trouble!"

"Enough!" the teacher yelled, "You should know that there is no cursing in my classroom; detention tomorrow for both of you!"

"Well, it looks like we're stuck together," Michael said, putting his hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Looks like it," Luke said, crossing his arms in annoyance.

Luke quickly picked up his art supplies and cleaned up his desk.

"I never got your name, by the way," Michael said, "What is it again?"

"Luke Hemmings," Luke told him.

The bell rang and Michael threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'm Michael," he said with a smile, "I'll see you tomorrow, Luke Hemmings!"

Luke let out a heavy sigh and waved goodbye to Michael before he walked out of the classroom.

A Work of Art * Muke AUWhere stories live. Discover now