Chapter Fourteen

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Michael pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over his head so nobody would see him in the state that he was. He was on the verge of breaking down - and he was rarely like this. It took a lot to make him cry. To put it in the simplest way possible, Michael felt guilty. He didn't want to have to lie to Luke, but he felt like it was the only option. He decided to just walk around his neighborhood instead of walking back home.

If only he had known it wasn't the best thing for him to do.

"So? What did Michael say?"
Calum whispered quietly.

James grabbed his phone and showed the text to Calum.

"Who do you think this 'friend' is?" Calum asked.

"I think I know who they are, and it just so happens that I know him pretty well," James said with a smirk.

Calum had seen how distant Michael was becoming. He knew it was because of the blonde boy who he was seen with almost all the time. Michael spent so much time with whatever the boy's name was that Calum only got to see him for a few tiny little moments that went by far too quickly than they should - if he even got the chance to see him at all, that is.

The fact that they were becoming so distant made Calum sick to his stomach. He wasn't alone with that feeling, however. Tristan had also felt the same way.

When not even a full week of school had passed by, Tristan had noticed that Luke wasn't talking to him as much as usual and had become distant. At first, Tristan suspected that something was going on with Luke and he didn't really want to talk about it to anyone. He thought that Luke needed some space. Tristan wasn't completely wrong, because Luke did feel that way at one point in time. That feeling only lasted for a little while, though. Once Luke and Michael had gotten to know each other better and started hanging out with each other more, Luke immediately became happier and wasn't ignoring people or hiding anything from anyone. Luke was the only friend Tristan had before meeting Calum. Actually, Tristan didn't really consider Calum a friend. They were more like aquantainces, to be honest. However, they all had one thing - more specifically, one person - in common. James.

James swiftly put his phone away as Tristan walked in the room.

"What are you guys doing?" Tristan asked curiously.

"N-nothing," James stuttered.

"James got a mysterious text from someone."

"Let me see!" Tristan exclaimed.

James quickly changed Michael's contact name to Unknown Number before showing Tristan the text message.

"I'm pretty sure know who it is," James said proudly.

"If you're so confident that you know who this person is, then tell me," Tristan replied.

"Luke. Luke Hemmings," James told Tristan and Calum.

Tristan tried to play it cool and pretend that he wasn't best friends with Luke. Well, at least not in the present.

"I know him," Tristan said.

"How so?" James asked.

Keep a straight face, Tristan. Just lie to him. It'll make things easier for you.

"I... I used to be best friends with him," Tristan said nervously.


Before James could say anything else, Tristan interrupted.

"Let me finish what I was saying," Tristan told James, "Anyways, during the beginning of the school year, Luke became distant. Later on, he started hanging out with some kid with crazy hair, and never spoke to me again."

"To put it into simpler terms, Luke ditched you," James said.

"Basically," Tristan replied, trying not to be sad just thinking of the memory.

"Why?" James asked with a look of curiosity on his face.

"I don't know the exact reason, but there was something going on with him when he first started ignoring me. Then, the next thing I knew, he was walking away, all smiles, with that boy," Tristan answered, trying to not get too angry about the situation.

"Sounds like whatever the boy's name is changed Luke," James said.

"Well, maybe it was for the better," Tristan replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"Or, it could take a turn for the worse," James said, raising one eyebrow.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say," Tristan replied.

"We're going to get revenge," James told him.

"How exactly can we get revenge on Luke if he's walking the halls with that boy all the time?" he asked.

"Maybe we won't be able to get revenge on Luke directly by doing something to him, but maybe we can do something for about something - or someone - that has to do with him," James said.

Tristan was a little terrified about James' idea, but tried his best to hide it. After losing Luke's friendship, James was all he had. He couldn't let James down. He just couldn't.

"Now, do you know this boy's name?" James asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do," Tristan said.

"Who is it, then?" James asked, ready to start initiating whatever he was planning to do.

Tristan sighed, knowing there was no way out of this.

"Michael Clifford."

Author's Note: Hi! I still can't believe this story is almost over! :-( I'm glad that so many people are enjoying it so far!

What are your thoughts on Michael possibly hiding something?

James' "plan" to get revenge on Luke?

Tristan and Calum's friendships with Luke and Michael slowly drifting apart?

Hope you enjoyed this update!

-Megan :-)

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