Chapter Seven

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Michael was going to take Calum's advice and get to know Luke. There was only one tiny little problem - he didn't know how. Luke pretty much avoided Michael any chance he got and never actually took the time to see that he was a nice person. Michael was still wondering why Luke avoided him and planned to figure it out somehow. All he had to do was be with Luke, get to know him better and gain his trust. That's when Michael would ask Luke why he was being so ignorant.

The next day at school, Michael saw Luke walking around the halls. He thought about approaching Luke and starting a conversation with him, but decided to leave the boy alone for a bit and give him some space. Art class rolled around soon enough and Michael walked to his seat while resisting the urge to talk to Luke, wave hello, or even look at him. Both Luke and Michael remained quiet throughout the day.

Luke didn't even talk to Tristan. It's not that he didn't want to, it's just that something was on his mind and he needed time to think about it. Talking to someone is a good thing to do when you're going through something, but Luke didn't know whether or not he should. He just felt like he needed some space, that's all.

During art class, Luke noticed that Michael didn't talk to him or look at him at all. It was kind of sad, actually. He wondered what was going on with Michael, and Michael wondered the same thing about him.

Michael and Luke didn't even interact with each other until the teacher said that all the students in the class needed to partner up for a project and that she would be choosing who would be whose partner.

"Michael and Luke."

Well, things just got really awkward really fast.

Michael slowly walked towards Luke, trying not to be awkward. He knew that this was an opportunity to get to know Luke, and an opportunity to get to know someone new didn't come around every day.

"Hey, Luke," Michael whispered, trying to get Luke's attention.

Luke waved hello to him, and then looked back at the paper on his desk that stated what he had to do with Michael for their art project.

"So I have to draw or paint something that has to do with you, and you have to do the same thing for me," Luke said.

"I know," Michael told him.

"Well, don't you think we should get to know each other before we even get started on this project?" Luke asked.

"Y-yeah. Tell me a-about yourself," Michael said, stuttering. He only stuttered when he was shocked or nervous about something, and he felt both of those things when he was talking to Luke. Sure, he's talked to Luke before, but doing it just to get his attention didn't really count. This time, Michael and Luke were having an actual conversation.

"Well, my name is Luke. I'm sixteen, I have a part-time job after school, and I'm not normally the type of person who would get detention, especially on the first day of school," Luke told Michael, laughing.

"My name is Michael, I'm the same age as you, I like to dye my hair, and I play video games a little too much, which is the reason why my grades aren't exactly the best," Michael told Luke.

"Are you really sixteen?" Luke asked, "You look older. No offense."

"None taken, and yeah, I get that a lot," Michael answered with a smirk.

"Do you want to get to know each other more?" Luke asked.

"Definitely!" Michael exclaimed, "Where do you normally eat lunch?"

"I eat by my locker. I'll show you where it is after school," Luke explained, "I'll have to show it to you quickly, though. I can't be late for work again."

"It's cool, I understand," Michael said.

The final bell rang shortly after.

"Are you going to show me where your locker is?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, I'll show you in a little bit," Luke answered, packing up his belongings as Michael did the same.

Luke looked at the clock on his phone.

"Crap," Luke whispered, trying not to be heard by anybody so he wouldn't get detention again. Thankfully, nobody heard him - except for Michael.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"I don't want to be late for work. We can just meet up at school a little bit earlier tomorrow and I'll show you where I eat lunch then," Luke told him, "What's your phone number?"

"Give me your phone. I'll put it in," Michael said.

Luke handed Michael his iPhone and watched him take a silly selfie on it and type in his phone number to create his contact.

"Here you go," Michael said with a smile, giving Luke his phone back, "Text me and I'll add your number to my phone later."

"Okay. I'll text you when I get home from work," Luke told him, "Bye!"

"Bye!" Michael exclaimed, waving at Luke before walking out of the classroom.

Author's Note: Hi! Wow, this is the longest chapter I've written so far for this story at EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR WORDS.

What are your thoughts on Luke and Michael being partners for the art project?

Luke finally talking to Michael and not ignoring him?

Michael giving Luke his phone number?

Like I always say, if you have any questions about this story (or any of my stories), please message me and I would be happy to answer them! -Megan :-)

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