Chapter Sixteen

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Calum confidently walked toward Michael, ready to execute his part of the plan. It was easy. He just needed to talk to Michael, but he needed to say it casually like it was just the two of them hanging out any other day.

"Hey," Calum said, trying to get Michael's attention as he was drawing.

Michael shyly waved his hand towards Calum without speaking.

Just as Calum was about to tell Michael the rumor about Luke that was definitely not true but would guarantee James the satisfaction of getting revenge, his phone buzzed.

Calum sneakily grabbed his phone out of his pocket and saw that he had a text message from Tristan.

I talked to Luke, he seems proper pissed off at the moment. I think that the plan worked out perfectly and you don't have to interfere with it at all. Consider yourself free.


Calum had already spoken to Michael. However, his conciense had convinced him that he still needed to distract Michael. After being friends with someone for years on end, you get the chance to know things about them that you would never know otherwise - whether it's something you would want to know or not.

Calum knew all too well that Michael was still going to try to see Luke at lunch. He knew that Michael had no clue about what happened to Luke. Well, not yet, at least.

"Michael!" Calum exclaimed, trying to see if Michael would even turn around and talk to him.

Sure enough, that's what happened.

"What do you want?" Michael asked with a sort of rude tone in his voice.

Calum recognized that look on his face.

Michael was shocked that Calum was talking to him, or that they were even in each other's presence.

"I know you're probably shocked right now that I'm talking to you all of a sudden," Calum began before Michasl cut him off.

"I am shocked that you're talking to me," Michael said before putting his pencil down and focusing his attention on Calum, "Why are you talking to me, exactly?"

"I realized that we haven't exactly been on the best terms lately and I haven't seen you around that much. I was wondering if you want to hang out during lunch and catch up or something."

Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"That's nice of you to offer," Michael said, "but I can see you've moved on from our friendship, and guess what? So have I. You've got Tristan and James. I've got Luke."

Calum nodded, understanding what Michael was saying, and walked away.

"That went well," Calum mumbled sarcastically to himself.

Then he realized what was going on.

Michael was going to sit with Luke.

Michael had no idea what was going on.

And neither did Luke.

Neither of them knew about the rumors spreading across campus faster than the speed of light.

From what Luke had heard, from his perspective, from his side of the story, the rumors about Michael were true.

If only Luke knew that they weren't.

Author's Note: Hi! I already have the rest of this book planned out and am determined to finish writing the rest of it in the next few days! :-D

What are your thoughts on Michael and Calum suddenly talking again?

Michael moving on from Calum?

Calum almost telling Michael a rumour about Luke as part of Tristan's plan?

What do you think is going to happen between Michael and Luke?

Guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter! ;-)

-Megan :-)

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