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Author's Note: Hi! Here's the prologue for "A Work of Art!" Like I said before, this story will be updated on Fridays unless I say otherwise. Enjoy the prologue! -Megan :)

Luke never believed that a person should try to be "perfect" in order to make a good impression on somebody.

Luke didn't believe he was perfect either.

He was just a normal teenager from Sydney who tried to get good grades and make a living with his part-time job.

Luke was still trying to fit in at school. He became the only child at his house when his older brothers, Ben and Jack, moved to a university about an hour away, and his parents were working constantly and didn't come home until right before Luke was asleep.

There were some good things about being an only child in the house, such as getting privacy you wouldn't have with a sibling, getting a room all to yourself, and not having to worry about arguing with anybody.

Unfortunately, there were a few downsides to being alone, like having nobody in the house to talk to, or not having help in an emergency.

Every single day was exactly the same routine for Luke: His mom would leave a note on the kitchen counter saying that she was going to work, along with the keys to the house so he could lock the door when he left for school, and unlock the door when his parents got home. Then Luke would text Tristan, one of his friends, to pick him up, drive him to school and drop him off at his house.

With the money Luke and his parents earned from their jobs, they still couldn't afford to buy Luke his own car.

Luke would unlock the door and walk in the house, go to his room and work on homework. If, on the rare occasion, he finished his homework before his parents got home, he would FaceTime Tristan or draw. Drawing was Luke's hidden talent that not very many people knew about.

Drawing was a way for Luke to express himself. He would spend any free moment he had for hours, days, weeks, even months just to complete one drawing to the best of his ability.

Luke didn't tape his drawings on his bedroom walls or on the refrigerator. Instead, he put any drawing that he did at school in a folder to keep in his backpack. Any drawing that was done at his house was put in a dresser drawer under some of his clothes.

Luke kept his talent a secret from everybody except Tristan. Desperate to make new friends who were as passionate about art as he was, Luke decided to sign up for an art class at school.

Luke was about to go to a new school in the fall and was happy that Tristan decided to go to the same school so he wouldn't feel lonely. He wondered if he would make more friends. All he could do is hope.

Michael Clifford was considered popular at his school. He doesn't know how he made so many friends, it just happened. He first met Calum when he was thirteen and they instantly clicked.

Calum and Michael were practically inseparable. They always hung out with each other every weekend, ever since they met. The two of them were the type of best friends who did everything together. Michael and Calum didn't care what anybody thought of them because they were always there for each other.

A few days before school ended, was accused of spray-painting the word "summer" in all capital letters on the back of the school building. As a result, Michael got expelled and his parents didn't allow him to see Calum until the last week of summer.

Michael somehow got accepted at a different school, and Calum went with him so he wouldn't feel lonely.

Michael just wanted a fresh start. He hoped that what he did was all in the past, and that he would be a new person. His parents wanted him to make new friends who could be a better influence on him.

Michael didn't know what this new school had to offer.

When he registered for the school, Michael decided to take Art as his elective beccause he died his hair almost every month, so he figured that painting would be easy.

He wondered who he would meet, how hard the classes would be, how strict the teachers were, if he would struggle to open his locker, and especially what would happen during art class.

Anything could happen.

A Work of Art * Muke AUWhere stories live. Discover now