Chapter Seventeen

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Luke was absolutely furious, but in his mind, he knew he probably shouldn't have been. There was a tiny part of him that saw this coming - not arguing with Tristan, because that was completely unexpected - but the fact that Michael was hiding something.

Luke assumed that there was something going on with Michael, and now he found out that his assumptions were correct.

He didn't know why Michael would keep something like this from him. Why wouldn't Michael tell him? Why would Michael even keep a secret? Didn't Michael trust Luke even in the slightest bit, or at least enough to keep a secret and not tell a single soul about it? Then again, now that Luke took some time to think about it, he could understand why Michael would hide something like this. He wouldn't want Luke to see him as a troublemaker. He wouldn't want to peer pressure Luke into something he didn't want to do. Also, Luke thought that he knew Michael pretty well. They may have only known each other for a few months, but Luke and Michael were pretty much inseparable.

Then he thought about what Ashton had said when him and Michael first started hanging out together.

There's a rumor going around that he's a troublemaker. I'd stay away from him if I were you.

Ashton was right.

Luke immediately knew what he was going to do.

He ran off to find Ashton.

Michael walked across campus towards Luke's locker, looking for him, as if it was just another normal day.

The moment Michael got to Luke's locker, he immediately stopped in his tracks.

His eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

Luke wasn't there.

Everything seemed different to Michael. It seemed like a cheesy thing to say, but it was in fact true. Michael absolutely despised feeling alone.

He sighed, knowing he would have no other choice.

To: Calum
Little change of plans. Where are you sitting? Can I hang out with you for lunch?

From: Calum
I see you've changed your mind. Okay, then. I'm sitting with the group today, though. Do you mind?

Michael was so desperate for company that he was willing to sit with the people who may not have been the kindest to him, but were all he had.

To: Calum
It's fine with me. I'll see you in a few minutes.

From: Calum
Okay. We're by my locker.

Michael ran to Calum's locker without thinking twice.

Ashton saw the expression on Luke's face and immediately ran towards him.

"Luke, what happened?" Ashton asked, hugging Luke tightly, "Is everything okay?"

Ashton knew that it was a stupid question for him to ask, but he was trying to be there for his friend.

Luke shook his head no without saying anything else.

"What's going on?" Ashton asked.

"It's Michael," Luke answered, "You were right about him."

"What happened with Michael that made you finally choose to believe me?" Ashton asked.

"Tristan talked to me for the first time in weeks. He wasn't asking to catch up or anything, but he came to tell me that Michael got into huge trouble at the school he was previously at and got expelled. It was ridiculously hard for Michael to get into this school," Luke explained.

"Oh, Luke," Ashton said, hugging him tightly once again and then slowly letting him go.

"I thought I knew him, but I guess I was wrong," Luke mumbled.

Ashton put his arm around Luke's shoulder, giving him a side hug as the two of them walked away, until they stumbled upon something they didn't expect.

Author's Note: Hey (or hi)! So there's only three more chapters left of this story plus the epilogue. I'm thinking of starting another story after this, but then again, I have a lot of stories that I'm still writing.

What are your thoughts on Michael hiding something from Luke?

To clear up any confusion, the rumor isn't true. However, he IS hiding something and you'll have to wait to find out what it is. ;-)

Ashton comforting Luke?

Michael sitting with Calum and his friends?

There's only 3 more chapters left of this story! :-(

-Megan :-)

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