Chapter 8

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Rydel's POV

I woke up with a very sick feeling. After a great night with Ellington I start getting sick, fun. I walk to the bathroom and take my temperature. It's normal. I then feel this rush of nausea and run to the toilet and throw up. Ell comes in and holds my hair. After everything is out of my system I start brushing my teeth.

"Babe, are you feeling okay?" Ellington asks. I nod, "Is your temperature good." I nod again. I rinse my mouth and face him. His eyes then widen in horror and he runs to the bedroom. I follow him and he is frantically looking around the room. He eventually finds something.

"Ellington what are you doing?" I ask curious. He pops up with a condom.

"Rydel, it's not opened," Ellington shows me how it's not opened, "And we don't leave these around. I set it on the table incase."

"Ellington," I trail off.

"I think we forgot to use protection," He says calmly.

"Well, I'll go get some pregnancy tests and take them. Ellington most the time people have unprotected sex, the girl doesn't end up pregnant," I say fast and pace around the room.

"Rydel this happened when we found out you were pregnant with Valliea," he freaks out. We both get dressed and we run to the grocery store.

"Okay, down there," I point to isle 3 which has feminine products. I grab like 5 pregnancy tests and take them to the cashier. It's a women who looks to be in her twenties.

"Forgot a condom didn't you?" She asks, sliding the tests across the scanner.

"Yep," I hand her the money and grab the bag of tests. We rush home and I go into the bathroom. I take the tests and leave them. You have to wait 5 minutes for results. I pace around the bathroom.

"Rydel," Ellington says through the door.

"Please just leave me alone, I need to be alone. Go pick up Valliea," I say frustrated.

"Okay, I love you," he says.

"Yeah, yeah love you, too," I say. I hear him leave and I sit down and check my phone. It's been three minutes, two more long minutes to go. I start to bite my nails. After chewing off the paint on one nail the timer goes off and I rush to the tests. The first one, two lines, the second one, two lines, the third one, two lines, and the fourth one, two lines.

"I'm pregnant," I cry. Great now I'm having a panic attack on the bathroom floor.

A/N So I'm leaving you there. Just wait for the next chapter.

Here are the 3Q&A's

1) Do you want it to be a boy or girl?
2) Why is Rydel so anxious about being pregnant again?
3) How is Valliea going to take it?

Leave your comments below.

Now I'm not giving you the answers for the last questions because there wasn't many. Next time I will however. Thank you guys for Reading, Commenting, and Voting. I love you all.


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