Chapter 19

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Ellington's POV

Sitting on the couch with my beautiful wife watching an old Disney movie couldn't get better than it is right now. Rydel and I are watching Beauty and the Beast with Valliea asleep in the LA-Z-BOY.


"Ugh," Rydel says as she looks at me, "Who would be ringing our doorbell at almost 10:00pm at night?"

"I don't know," I say. Rydel looks at me weird, "I'll get it. Make sure Valliea doesn't wake up."

I walk slowly to the front door, which is attached to the dining room, across from the kitchen, and make it to the door. I look in the peephole and I see Ross, Riker, Rocky, and Ryland. That's odd. I open the door and step outside into the an unusual chilly cold night in LA.

"What's up guys?" I ask, "It's an odd hour for you guys to be here."

"Yeah well, it's an emergency," Riker starts.

"What is it man?" I ask the guys.

"Rydel might be cheating on you," Rocky says, way to rip of the band-aid, "But we don't know for sure. You know how the pictures we take with our work phones go straight to the laptop at the band house?"

"Yeah," I say though my teeth.

"Well today around maybe noon, a picture popped up, and it was Rydel and she was kissing some guy on the lips," Ryland continued the story.

"And you're telling me all of this now?" I ask ,"Why not earlier?"

"We were all busy dude," Ross answers my questions.

"I'll send you the picture to your phone so you can see the evidence," Riker says as he moves away from the group and starts typing on his phone. I felt my phone buzz and Riker walked back. I pulled out my phone and I saw the picture. Right now I was furious that she was kissing some guy but I noticed something. Her face is making a, "What the fuck," type of face and the guy is holding his hand on her face and you could tell by some lines on her face that she was trying to move and no one was holding a camera, it was just close enough so it looked like someone was.

"I don't think she's cheating, but I'm going to talk to her," I say, "Goodnight." I walk back inside the house and close the door.

"Who was it? Was everything okay?" Rydel asks once I get back to the living room. I notice Valliea isn't on the couch anymore so she must have been put to bed.

"Yeah everything was fine. It was just the guys," I say, before she can ask more questions I change the subject, "So what did you do when you were grocery shopping today?"

"I grocery shopped," She was stalling, I could tell. Maybe she could tell that I was mad and I knew, "Oh, and don't be mad. Some guy who I guess was a fan wanted a picture with me and right before I snapped the picture the guy kissed me and it was so fucking disgusting. I absolutely hated it. Once I got home I brushed my teeth like 5 million times."

"Okay," I say calming down a lot. This guy was just an asshole who wanted a piece of my woman.

"That's why they were here wasn't it?" Rydel asks, "I had my work phone on me because I was waiting for some emails and that's the phone we took the picture with. I'm really sorry babe." She sits next me. I didn't realize I sat down.

"It's okay," I say, "That guy was just an asshole who wanted my woman but is never going to get her."

"Sure Ellington," Rydel laughs, "If that's what you want, because that is also what I want."

A/N WASSUP GUYS? So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is sort of short and there isn't much content to it. I guess I just wanted to add some action.

The original thing was I was going to have Rocky be dating Kelly but that kind of went no where so I rewrote it so Rydel was kissed by some asshole.

Sorry if you guys aren't much on swearing I just wanted some fire to the story.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I wrote it all in my science class because we don't do nothing in my science class.

Please watch the YouTube video attached, it's from my YouTube channel. Please support it and yeah.

I love you guys, please vote and comment

BYE- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

A Fandom's Dream Daughter (Rydellington)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon