Chapter 20

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Rydel POV

I still can't believe that an asshole kissed me on the lips, and my husband has to find out from my brothers and UGH.

Ellington won't even kiss me now.

I trudge up the stairs to our bedroom and head to my dresser and grab some warm pajamas. It was awfully cold tonight in California.

It's almost midnight and Ellington still hasn't come to bed so I got up and went downstairs to the living room.

"Ellington come to bed," I say looking at him as he is still laying on the couch.

"I will later, I'm watching something," Ellington replies. I look at the TV and it isn't even on.

"The TV isn't on," I say and I put my hand on my hip, "Get your ass in bed now before I drag you there myself."

"Fine," He sighs and gets up and walks up the stairs. I shake my head and follow him up the stairs.

"Why are you still pissed at me?" I ask as I close the door to our room.

"I'm not," He says and lays down on his stomach so his face was in his pillow.

"Then why were you...You know what, never mind. I'm not going to argue with you tonight. I have had a fucked up day and it sucks," I say and grab my pillow and a blanket, "I'll stay in the guest room until you can get through your head that, I didn't want to kiss that asshole, that it was forced. Goodnight." I walk out of the bedroom before Ellington can say anything. He can sleep in the bed and I will come back when he gets what I said through all that hair and into his head.

I open the guest room door and turn the light on. I throw my stuff on the bed and close the door. I turn the light off and get comfy, eventually I fall asleep.

Ellington's POV

Wow, Rydel must think I'm the biggest asshole around, which I probably am right now. I just can't let this go.

Like why would she even get a picture with this guy in the first place? Because he said he was a fan. Well why couldn't she just refused and done it next time? That is rude and she doesn't want bad publicity. WELL, why am I arguing with my subconscious? Because it is almost midnight, you're tired, and you don't feel like arguing with Rydel.

"Fine," I mumble to myself. I get up and walk to the guest room to try to apologize to Rydel but I stop before I can even knock. I shake my head and walk back to the bedroom and close the door. I set my alarm for 5am. I'm going to make tomorrow on of the best days of Rydel's life and hopefully she will forgive me, but for now, I'm tired.

A/N Hey! So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had a tiring week last week. I had a bunch of softball stuff and swimming for school and the past two weeks I focussed more on my YouTube channel which you can see my last Monday video on the last chapter. I really missed writing for you guys. I'll find more time to write for you but here is my schedule.

Monday- Spend time with my mom and edit
Tuesday- Softball Practice
Wednesday- Softball Game
Thursday- Film
Friday- Softball Game or family event
Saturday- Family event
Sunday- Film and edit.

During school is really the only free time I have. Sorry.

Please comment what you guys want to see in the next chapter.

Bye!!!!- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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