Chapter 12

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Rydel's POV

"I'm not the one you have to apologize to. I believe there is someone else you own an apology," Ellington said. I sighed, knowing I have been defeated. I guess being pregnant again has really brought a lot of stress upon me.

The thing is why I am so stressed is because I wanted to surpise Ellington for his birthday which is a couple weeks. I wanted to surprise him with that we are going on another tour, but being pregnant is going to make things more complicated. When I first got pregnant everything was fine because we were actually ending the tour we had four shows left when I first got pregnant.

"Alright," I sigh. Ellington grabs my hand and we walk down the hallway and up the stairs to Valliea's room. We stood outside of the door for a minute.

"How about I go first? Get her ready to talk to you?" Ellington asks me while rubbing my hand slightly. He must be able to tell I am stressed. I nod and he opens the door, enters, and closes the door, I hear lots of rustling before I just decided to barge in.

"What's going on Ellington?" I ask as I start to breath heavier.

"I think Valliea's gone," he says panting as if he has been running around like a wild monkey.

"What? How?" I start to panic. I'm glad I'm only a day pregnant other wise the baby would be kicking so fiercely and it would hurt like hell.

"I don't know," Ellington said, pacing around the room, "Maybe she ran away because you yelled at her."

"So if she did run away it's all my fault then isn't it?" I ask, sitting down trying to slow my breathing and heart rate.

"Yes Rydel, it's all your fault," He sighs.

Ellington's POV

"Yes Rydel, it's all your fault." I fake sigh. Man this plan is going perfect. Hopefully Valliea heard all the commotion through the camera outside of her door otherwise it wasn't even worth using my old acting skills.

"Ellington, I never wanted this to happen." Rydel sigh, I go to speak but she puts her hand up to stop me, "I guess with the new baby and all the new stuff with Valliea in school is just really stressing me out." I scoot closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Babe, I will be here for you. You know that," I say, this has just gotten real, "Hey, why don't we call your brothers other and maybe they can help solve this. You call them and I'm going to look in the backyard for Valliea."

"Okay," Rydel gets up and goes to find her phone. While she does that I run to the backyard and climb up the latter to the tree house. I open the door and see Valliea smiling.

"So how you doing up here?" I ask standing in the door.

"I'm doing good Daddy. You should probably get back before Mommy is suspicious," Valliea says, I nod start climbing back down, "And one more thing, I think you should become an actor again." With that I close the door and head back into the house to see Rydel with the phone pressed to her ear. I hear her talking to Riker saying something about stress. I turn to go to the kitchen when I stop in my tracks and go wide eyed.


A/N Oh snap, watcha think about that. So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter it was fun to write. I am curenntly in Science so I had a lot of free time to write. So since I wrote this in science class I wasn't listening to music. Only the sound of people typing on keyboards and dirty jokes.

The recommended book to read for today is........ Love is not a crime by @Devilish_Angels It's a very interesting book. The spelling and grammar may not be perfect but the story is very interesting. If you are into weird stories this one is for you my friend.

Here are the 3Q&A of the day!!

Q1) What are the boys going to do when they find out that Rydel is pregnant again?

Q2) How long do you think they will keep the plan to get back at Rydel going?

Q3) What's your opinion on Rydel's "secret"?

Leave your answers down below, I love reading them and I love getting to know your opinion on the book. It helps a girl out you know.

Here are the 3Q&A of the day from last chapter.

Q1) How is Rydel going to act?

Answer- @r5_melany : Rydel is going to cry and such (pregnancy hormones) ("and such" is correct. Tell me do you think she under reacted or over reacted?)

Q2) What are your favorite songs?

Answer- @r5rules_1 : bea miller songs and all r5...and any song you can name that I heard. (Dude, I love R5 and Bea Miller also. TWINS!!!)

Q3) Who deserves to get tricked that you know?

Answer- @r5_melany : My aunt deserves to get tricked like that lol (That would be so funny. I think I would want to trick my step-brother or friends LOL)

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