Chapter 22

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~Time Skip- 7 years~

Valliea's POV

"Valliea," Mom calls, "Can you get Madison? Everything else is in the bus!"

"Fine," I call back. I walk into Madison, my little sister,'s room. I pick her up out of her bed and carry her down the stairs to the living room, "Where do you want her?"

"Just take her to the bus, your father and I will be there in a few minutes," Mom replies. I carry Maddie out to the bus and carry her in. I spot Uncle Ross.

"I'll take her," Uncle Ross whispers and takes Maddie from my arms. I rub my eyes and run back into the house to make sure I had everything I could ever need. I know I prepacked books, my laptop and charger, makeup, clothes, shoes. etc. and I just need to make sure I have my phone and charger. I grab that stuff from my room and grab an extra blanket and pillow from my bed encase I have to sleep on the floor.

I run down the stairs and get back into the bus just before Mom and Dad found their way outside. It's 3:30am right now and we are driving to Nevada I believe for the first stop of the tour. The bunks are full, Maddie's asleep on the couch and Grandma and Grandpa Lynch are in the front seats so I put my stuff down on the ground below Maddie and try to get some shut eye before everyone almost steps on me.

~A Few Hours Later~

"Valliea," The voice of my small sister awakens me. I groan and sit up.

"Yeah Maddie?" I ask, I grab my phone from in my pillow and check the time, 7:43am.

"Where are we going?" Madison asks.

"I think Nevada, remember, it's tour time," I answer, still unsure of where the hell we are going. I get up and walk to the front where the drivers are. I open the curtains and Grandma is driving while Grandpa is slouching in the chair next to them.

"Good morning Valliea," Grandpa says looking at me from his newspaper.

"Morning, where are we right now?" I ask sitting on the ground.

"About 10 miles from our hotel. Once everyone wakes up we will stop at some place for breakfast, oh and we're just outside of Nevada," Grandma answers.

"Cool, I'm gonna go read," I say and stand up and walk through the curtain and Madison is also reading one of her books. I grab my phone and go into my Kindle app to read. I push over Madison's feet and sit down on the couch.

After about 15 minutes everyone starts waking up and walking into the small "hang out" section of the bus. After about a half hour more of driving, the bus finally stops. All 10 of us pile out of the bus and see we are stopped at a Denny's restaurant. After a 15 minute wait we are seated at a table and the waiter takes all our orders.

"Valliea, Madison, why don't you come with me to get changed?" Mom says. We have done this every tour, we change in the bathroom at whatever place we are stopped at.

"Yeah, sure," I say. I grab Maddie's hand and we follow mom to the bus to get our clothes. I pick out some dark wash jeans, a colorful bra, and a muscle tee. Yeah, my style has changed since I was 8, 7 years ago.

We walk back into the restaurant and change quickly in the bathroom. When we get to the table, all the guys go, then finally our food arrives. We all eat, pay the bill, and make our way back onto the bus.

"We'll be at our hotel in about an hour," Grandpa says before we all trudge back into the magic tour bus of R5. I pull out my laptop and open up a document that I haven't touched since about 7 years ago.

A Fandom's Dream Daughter (Rydellington)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora