Chapter 18

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Rydel's POV

Valliea has been watching Austin & Ally for the past two days and I'm fine with that. It keeps her out of our hair while we try to get everything ready for tour since we leave in about a month to go to I believe New York. I wonder what the fans will think of me being pregnant again and Riker still not being married like he said he wanted to be by the time we was 33.

Wait..."CRAP!" I yell and pull my hair. Ellington runs in and looks at me frantically.

"What's up?" Ellington asks.

"We haven't told the R5Fam I'm pregnant again," I say laughing... WHY THE EFF AM I LAUGHING?

"Why are you laughing?" Ellington asks laughing at me laughing.

"Oh you know, pregnancy and stuff," I say. I stop laughing and I continue, "Should we, like, tweet them I'm pregnant or wait till the first day of the show then tweet that I'm pregnant?"

"I don't know. This is kind of like when we were going to tell the fans we were dating after the October shows then we got the Concert Event Documentary," He said hugging me.

"I remember when we saw the preshow, then after the show everyone was tweeting about it. I still can't believe that the boys tackled you. It's like every fanfic ever. Except Riker was so oblivious," I say remembering that day.

I was sitting in the LA theatre on April 16, 2015 at 7pm...

We are currently sitting in the LA Theatre, all the way in the back so no one notices it is us. The sitting was Riker, Rocky, Ellington, then me. Ross was filming Austin and Ally. Today anyone that is coming to see the show is going to see that Rydellington has been a thing for a long time. A LONG time. It feels good to finally get that out there so we don't have to keep it a secret from the fans anymore. The East Coast fans have been blowing up me and Ell's twitter since it ended about an hour ago on the east coast. I kiss Ell on the cheek just as the show starts.

"That day lifted all the stress of keeping that secret a secret," I sigh and lean into Ell more than I was already.

"Definitely," Ellington replies, "I could finally kiss you in public and not have to worry about any paparazzi getting the news out before we did."

"Yeah, and I could post every cute pic of us and not have to worry about what we were doing in the picture," I reply.

After talking for a long time we eventually make our way to the couch and watch a movie while Valliea is sitting on the other couch watching Austin & Ally on my laptop.

I'll have to text Ross later and thank him for getting her distracted while we get everything ready for tour. Maybe, though I would have to talk to Ell about it, maybe I should have her watch all the seasons of Glee so she could see Riker while we are on tour and stuff.

A/N Wassup guys? SO...RYDELLINGTON IS AS REAL AS ROSS'S MIDDLE NAME BEING SHOR! If you guys didn't get to see R5: All Day All Night I will post the video I found on YouTube that someone recorded and posted of the Rydellington segment.

Man so now every fanfic is true and just like how in every fanfic, Riker was oblivious and the boy beat up Ellington, but for a different reason.

I hope you guys enjoyed this semi-long/short chapter. I now have a lot of inspiration from the concert event documentary. BTW they are planning on putting it on DVD for everyone who didn't get to see it. Crazy right? I will beg my mom for it and if it comes out when the release the second album that would be awesome.

Anyway I hope you guys have a wonderful Friday and weekend and I will hopefully see you soon within the next week.

Love You!!- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha <3

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