Chapter 9

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Ellington's POV

I listened to Rydel and I left the house to pick up Valliea. I decided to call Stormie to tell her I was coming to get my beautiful daughter.

After two rings Stormie picked up.

"Hello?" Stormie asked.

"Hey Stormie. I'm coming to pick up Valliea," I told her.

"Okay sweetie. I'll have her ready," Stormie replied.

"Thanks. Alright I'm driving. Bye," I said.

"Bye," She replied. She hung up and I set down my phone so I could focus on driving. I turned on the radio and continued to drive to the main Lynch house. After about 10 minutes of driving I was pulling up to house. I got out and knocked on the door.

"Daddy," I heard Valliea yell from inside. Stormie opened the door and Vallia came and hugged my legs.

"Thanks for watching her last night," I tell Stormie trying to give her a hug as Valliea is still attached to my legs.

"No problem, anytime. Bye, tell Rydel I said hi," She tells me.

"I will, bye," I say as I try to walk with Valliea on my legs.

"I missed you so much Daddy," Valliea stands up and I pick her up and give her a hug.

"I missed you too baby girl. Now let's get you in the car," I open the back door and she hops in. I drive us to an ice cream shop and pick up some ice cream for Rydel and Valliea gets a chocolate cone. Then I drive home. I grab Valliea's bag and sit it by the front door, I squat down and take Valliea's hands in mine.

"Now sweetheart, before we go in I wanted to tell you something," I tell my daughter.

"What is it daddy?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"Mommy, isn't feeling to well. So I want you to take it easy on her," I stand up and open the door. Rydel is standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, eating a sandwich.

"Hey guys," Rydel smiles. She hugs Valliea and kisses me.

"We brought you some ice cream," I hold up a bowl that contains vanilla ice cream with hot fudge and gummy bears.

"This is good," Rydel commented sitting at the table, "Sweetie I want you to sit down with Daddy and I."

"What's up Mommy?" Valliea said sitting down in her chair.

"Well," Rydel grabbed my hand, "In 9 months your going to be a big sister. You'll have a new brother or sister."

"What?" Valliea screams.

A/N Sorry to leave you there. How was it? Sorry I didn't update I had creative block. I have some ideas.

Here are the 3Q&A of the day.

1) Would you want Ellington to bring you ice cream?
2) Is it going to be a boy or girl?
3) What is your idea for the next chapter?

Leave your answers below.

BTW I'm not going to put the comments from last week.

I love you all so much. I love your feedback and your sweet comments.

See you in the next one!!!


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