Twenty two

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Heartbeat pumping.

Y/n successfully made it to the back gate of the school without bumping into anyone or slamming into lockers and doors.

Knowing that no one rarely goes to the back of the school, Y/n propped herself on the wall for support as she took a deep breath before letting out all of her tears.

As she cried she kept repeating to herself in her head...

Why did I go through with my deal?

Why did I let this happen again?

Why did I let this happen to me?

Why Y/n why?

...Why didn't you just stop after what happened to Soyeon?

Y/n continued to cry. Her legs began to go weak so she started to slide down the wall until she was now sitting on the ground, wrapping her arms around her legs.


Jeongin anxiously walked through the hallways looking for his friends. Knowing that what happened 5 minutes ago probably spread throughout the whole school already and he was worried what was going to happen when he actually finds his friends.

He was internally shaking and he continued to fidget with his fingers still on the search.

He turned the corner and he let out a yelp when he felt that he was being pulled into a classroom.

Jeongin was scared beforehand and now seeing flares in the eyes of three of his friends, he definitely is scared for what might happen.

"Let me explain." Is all the boy said.

"You hurt my best friend." Jisung hissed.

"You humiliated and made my sister cry." Minho clenched his teeth.

"You broke mine and Y/n's trust." Felix frowned.

Jeongin thought he could hold it in but he broke into a sob, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of that to happen or to make her feel like that."

"I just- It was all Soyeon's idea and I didn't want any part of it. I like Y/n and I don't want to hurt her and lose her. Please you have to tell me what I need to do." He pleaded.

Minho couldn't stand to see his friend like this and once he heard Soyeon's name he knew where it all went wrong.

He sighs before walking up to the sobbing boy. He holds his shoulders, "First. You need to stop crying and tell us exactly what happened."

Jeongin shuddered, trying to control the tears that continued to build up and the pace of his breathing.

He wipes his tears, pursing his lips into a frown. "Y/n's been avoiding me lately and Soyeon said that if we could make her jealous she would stop avoiding me."

Jisung groaned, "Of course it was Soyeon. Why can't she just leave her alone?" He shook his head.

Minho glanced at Jisung then back at Jeongin. "Why is she avoiding me?" The boy looked at his friend with saddened eyes hoping he had the answer. Which he did.

Minho sighed, "It's because Soyeon told her to. She told me that it was her idea but I know that Soyeon is behind it."

"Why would Soyeon tell her to avoid me?" Jeongin asks, clueless of the whole situation.

"Because of their past." Jisung said
"Because she likes you." Felix blurted.

Jeongin widened his eyes at what he just heard from his friends, especially from Felix. "She likes me?" He exclaimed.

"She likes me." He repeated with a more disappointed tone. "And I totally screwed everything up thinking that she didn't like me at all."

He looks back up and shot a look at his friends. "And what was that about their past? What happened?" He asked.

Minho patted Jeongin's shoulder, "Maybe you should sit down for this. This is going to be hell of a story." He said.


(Y/n's pov)

Ice cream. Ice cream will help.

It was after school and I decided that getting a good cold treat should help relieve my feelings. I mean girls do that with sad feelings right? Will it do the same to whatever feelings I have?

Let's give it a try.

"Hi can I get two scoops of mint chocolate in a cup please?" I said to the cashier, not as enthusiastic as I usually am. I placed my money on the counter as they took my order.

"Here you go miss." I thanked the worker as I took my cold delight and slowly walked away from the counter.

I sighed as I look at my dessert. "If this doesn't do it then I will- Jaemin?" The guy's back was faced towards me but immediately I recognized the person.

And I was right. He turned around with a cone in his hand and I was surprised when he held a smile on his face when he saw me.

"Hey stranger. Long time no see." He said. After a year later he still looked the same.

After our short greeting we decided to walk towards the park to sit and just catch up.

"You and your family moved a year ago, how are you here right now?"

He let out a light chuckle. "We just missed this town. And lucky for me, my parents found a new job here so we decided to move back into our old place." He explained.

"So does that mean you're transferring back?" I definitely sounded too excited but how could I not? Besides used to liking him, he was a close friend.

"Yeah I am. And Y/n." He started to say. "I want to ask you something."

I nodded, curious on what he has to say. "Go ahead."

Jaemin awkwardly chuckled as he fiddled with his fingers. "You see, I'm still terrible at science and now that I'm back, I was wondering if you can help tutor me again? Like old times." He smiles.

I returned the smile. "Of course I can help. That's what friends are for." I playfully nudged his arm with mine as we both snickered.

Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now