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(third person pov)

"Wait what is Lee Y/n doing at your house Minho?" Hyunjin asks as everyone furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious? She's my sister." Minho said as if the other guys were supposed to know the two were siblings already.

"Oh my god Lee Y/n is here." Felix exclaimed. "You should have told us beforehand." The boy mumbled towards Minho.

Minho now too is confused. "Why do you guys keeping saying her full name like that and back track, Innie did you just call my sister crazy?"

Jeongin gulped. "Umm." He has lost his words.

"Come sit down." Jisung ignored the mess and sat them both on the couch.

"Okay yes this is Lee Y/n. Minho's sister and the school's mole, which is why they keep sounding surprised." He aimed that last part towards Minho.

"School's mole?" Minho questioned.

"Oh right. She's known as the school's 'mole' in our grade." Y/n shook her head towards Jisung as he said that.

Minho sighed. "Don't tell me you're still listening to useless gossip. Y/n we talked about this."

Y/n just shrugged resulting Jisung to nudge her arm. "Ow."

"Now Jeongin, why are you calling me crazy?" She asks towards the boy. "Just because I make an offer to you, I'm suddenly crazy?"

"You made an offer with him?" Jisung asks. The girl nodded. He then chuckled. "This should be good."

"Offer? What offer?" Seungmin joining in.

"She offered to help me gain confidence in order to talk to Miyeon." Jeongin confessed.

"Oh god." Minho sighed.

"No way." Felix exclaimed. "If it's Lee Y/n, you should totally accept." He added.

"No, don't." Minho interfered. "But Minho maybe-" Felix started but Minho cut him off.

"Just forget it. Jeongin you have confidence you just need to surface them on your own. Now we're here to hang out, not talk about girl problems."

"No gossip, I'm out." Y/n stood up from the couch and went back upstairs. 5 minutes later she came out with a jacket and her purse.

"Where are you going?" Minho asks.

"Out. If I can't get anything here, then maybe I'll get something at that cafe everyone keeps talking about." She shrugged then left.

"Wow. She really is all in for the gossip." Chan snickered.

"Yeah, too much though." Minho muttered, looking back at the front door where Y/n walked out just a few seconds ago.


(Hours later)

"I'm back- hey did the party leave already?" The girl greeted then held a confused face seeing only Minho.

"Yeah, they left like half an hour ago. Come sit Y/n, we need to talk." Minho looked serious.

She scrunched her eyes as she took a seat next to him. "What is this about now?"

"You said you would stop interfering with people's life after that one time." Minho said. Y/n's face then dropped and didn't say anything.

"Now you're trying to offer Jeongin the same deal? Y/n you can't be doing these things whenever you're bored. Interfering in someone's life isn't a hobby."

"But you've seen them yourself, most of them were successes." She said.

"Yeah but some were also not." He sighed. "Jeongin is my friend and I don't want to see him hurt. Or even you in fact."

"He won't." Y/n argued. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. This will be another success." She said.

"No. This is final Y/n. You're done helping others, if you're bored read a book, sleep, go running, I don't care just...enough with the whole 'cupid' thing."

(Y/n's pov)

After Minho left to his room, I stayed rethinking all my current life decisions.

Okay so I may have sugar-coated the whole situation.

I have failed to keep my end of deals sometimes. But I did have successes...only after a few, actually a lot of bumps in the road.

"You said he liked me. I knew I shouldn't have believed you."

"What a joke. I can't believe I listened to you."

"You ruined my life. Don't ever make decisions for me ever again."

Definitely a lot of bumps in the road.

Okay and maybe I have fallen one time but that was just one time. Thee one time. Which is why that was also a failure. It has never happened again though. I made sure it never happen again.

I sighed, maybe Minho's right. Being 'Cupid' isn't an easy job and I should definitely stop. Jeongin seemed like he didn't need my help anyways.

I guess today's my last day.

I still get to hear all the news and gossip right? Yeah I'm definitely keeping my 'mole' role, like I'll give that part up.

Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now