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(third person pov)

Jeongin exited the building to find Y/n on her phone, waiting by the back gates like she said she would.

She didn't notice the boy who just arrived so he took this opportunity to look at her. Look at the way she stands, the way she wears her hair, the way she just waits.

"She doesn't look like a bad person." Jeongin muttered to himself. Then he sees Y/n suddenly smile as she was looking at her phone.

Jeongin didn't notice but his eyes slightly lit up when he saw the way she smiled.

The girl finally looked up and smiled even bigger, walking up to the boy. "Hey are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" The boy questioned. Y/n just lets out a chuckle as she grabs onto the boy's hand and led them out the school's campus.

Heat immediately rushed to Jeongin's face, not expecting the sudden skin ship from the girl he literally just met yesterday.

Y/n saw the panic in Jeongin's face and let go of his hand. "I'm sorry. I'm very used to that." She reassured him with a smile as they continued to walk. Side by side this time.

After 10 minutes of silence...they reach a small restaurant. Jeongin confusingly looked at the building then at Y/n.

"I thought you were helping me. What are we doing here?" He asks as he scratched the top of his head.

"I can't help you on an empty stomach." Y/n shrugged then entered the restaurant with Jeongin following behind her.

"Do you want anything?" Y/n asks the boy as she was looking at the menu. Jeongin just stared at how casual she was. He thought, is she always like this with everyone she makes an offer to?

This was totally new for him while it was like any other day for Y/n.

"Umm." Jeongin cleared his throat then suddenly the waiter came before he could speak.

"Hi welcome. I will be your waiter for today. What can I get you?" The waiter smiled.

"Ahh I'll do the number 5." Y/n ordered. It's her usual.

"And for you sir?"

Jeongin gulped. He didn't take a look at the menu and he was nervous due to the fact that he had a girl across from him. "He'll get the same thing." She answered for him. "And we will just stick with the water. Thank you."

The waiter gave them a nod and left with their orders.

Y/n raised her eyebrow at the boy. "Are you okay? You seem more nervous than usual. Oh did you wanted to go somewhere else? I'm sorry I've been craving this place since this morning."

Jeongin shook his head. "No, this is fine. It's just that- you know- I'm're here. It's just us two..." He was hinting her towards something or at least tried to.

Y/n still not catching on, she just looks at him still confused. "Don't you think this is kinda like a date?" He nervously asked. Y/n was shocked by his question.

"A date?" She laughs. "Oh not at all. I was feeling hungry and I hate dining alone. I'm just here to help you win a date with Miyeon, remember?"

"Have you- have you not just had a simple hang with a girl before? You know, just a friend who was a girl?" She asked the boy. He simply shakes his head.

"Really?" Once again she was shocked. "So all of this is new for you?" He nodded his head.

"For the school's 'mole', I thought you would know that." He said. "Well you're friends with my brother so I just assumed." Jeongin slowly nod his head.

Y/n happily scoffed. "Wow, now I feel kind of honored. Hey there's nothing to be nervous about. This will be your first lesson. Just think that your hanging out with one of your friends, but instead it will be a date. Be yourself is all I'm saying."

"Be myself, okay." He repeated, nodding at the statement.

"It's cliché but it always help. Being yourself paves down your right path. Lying just creates a whole different one that can lead to a dead end, a bad one in fact."

Jeongin was about to comment on that until they heard their waiter come back with their food.

"Here's your ramen and the bill whenever you are ready." The waiter set down the bowls of food. The two thanked the man and started eating. In silence.


"Wait shouldn't I pay for the food?" Jeongin said. "Why should you? I brought us here." Y/n innocently asked.

"Well...the guy pays for the things, right?" Of course Jeongin hasn't been on a date before but he always heard from his friends that that's what they are supposed to do.

"That's cute but save it for the date. I'll take care of it." Y/n put the amount in the book and left tip on the table.

They left the restaurant and before they separated ways she spun around on her foot to face the boy. "Do you like the arcade?" Y/n asks the boy. "Who doesn't?"

"Good answer." Y/n smiled and grabbed Jeongin's hand once again. Neither of them noticed as she was leading them both.

"Because that is where we are going next."

Innocent |Yang Jeongin| ✔Where stories live. Discover now