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(third person pov)

"How could you?" Y/n lightly punched Felix's arm. It didn't hurt him at all, he just laughs it off. "Come on. I did you a favor."

"What favor? We both know that Miyeon is on his mind and I'm never going to stand a chance." She frowned.

With the two stepped aside, the other guys were watching from afar.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Jisung suddenly asks. "They always talk about the most randomness things. Who knows what they might be saying." Minho said.

'Are they fighting because Y/n sat with me in Changbin's car instead of him?' Jeongin thought.

"Don't say that. They aren't even dating and I know for sure he likes you." He said. Y/n sighs. "Why are you doing this?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

She shrugged. "Why are you so persistent with this? Ha ha make fun of the girl who fell for the boy who clearly likes someone else. I don't like these games Felix."

"What? No it's not like that." He shook his head.

She stopped him from going on. "Forget it. Let's just go have fun. That's what the arcade is for right, so let's put it to use." She walked ahead of him.

Felix sighs in defeat as he made his way back to the group.

"Let's do the basketball game first." Chan exclaimed.

"Okay well Y/n's out." Minho said. Y/n looked at her brother.

Before he could say anything Felix stepped in. "Innie why don't you show Y/n how to shoot a basketball." Felix smiles.

'Why is he doing this?' Both Y/n and Jeongin thought.

Y/n was about to refuse but the next thing that came out of Jeongin's mouth shocked her.

"Sure. I can show you a few pointers too."

She looked towards the boy and immediately regretted when she felt as if her heart could jump out of her chest. You could say the same for Jeongin as well.

Y/n played it off by letting out a light laugh. "I'll be ordering us food. You boys have fun."

Felix sighs at the girl fleeing. He thought if Y/n wasn't going to take what he was throwing her way then maybe it was time for plan B.

He grabbed onto Jeongin's arm and pulled him to the side.

"Let's settle this first, I know you like Y/n. Do you?" He straight out asked the boy.

Jeongin sighs. "Yes."

"That's great." Felix exclaimed.

"I know, it just happened and I'm so sor- wait what?" Jeongin was shocked at why Felix is so happy when he should be angry.

"You're not mad?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why would I be? It's not like I'm her boyfriend. Wait did you think I was?" The boy nodded.

Felix just bursts into laughter. "You actually believed that after the other day? Well if it makes you feel better, I'm not."

"Wait but how'd you know I like Y/n. I didn't tell any of the guys." Jeongin was confused and thought maybe Miyeon didn't know what a secret was and told Felix.

"I kinda had a feeling that same day when I'm guessing you thought we were going to kiss." Jeongin started to shift in his position. Felix smiled when he knew he was right.

Then pursed his lips. "Then the next day I overheard a conversation with Miyeon and Soyeon in class, that pretty much confirmed my theory."

Jeongin mentally groaned. Of course it leads back to Miyeon.

"Then what are you guys?" Jeongin asks.

"What else is there? We're clearly friends, best friends in fact." Felix proudly said.

"So how did you go from asking her out to becoming best friends?"

"She rejected me." He plainly said.

"And you didn't tell us?" Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows. "No one asked." Felix shrugged.

"But oh my god you liking Y/n. We have to go back there and-" Jeongin stopped Felix from pulling them both to their booth.

"Woah woah woah. And what?"

"You know. Tell Y/n." Felix said in a obvious tone like that wasn't just the plan.

Jeongin shook his head. "No I can't."

"Jeongin now isn't the time to be all shy again." Felix said.

"I'm scared. What if she doesn't like me back?"

Felix started to pull Jeongin again. "Trust me, that's the least of your problems-"

Jeongin abruptly stopped his friend. "Felix. Don't you think you're rushing this a bit. I like her but I feel like it's too soon." He said.

He knew he liked Y/n even more than when he liked Miyeon but he feels that if he messes up his one chance, he might mess up everything with Y/n. And he didn't want that happening.

Felix groaned. "Fine Mr. Romantic. Let's just go, I'm getting hungry." He whined like a little kid.

"There you guys are. We were starting to get worried, thinking you were going to ditch us." Chan joked.

"Where's Y/n?" Felix asks as he mentions the now missing girl. The boys tensed up when he brought it up.

Minho sighed. "Soyeon was here and she must've said something to Y/n, making her suddenly leave. Jisung went after her but they haven't got-"

"She's gone." Jisung was panting as if he just ran the mile. "I tried to stop her but she was already gone."

'Soyeon what are you doing?' Jeongin thought. He knew how much Soyeon didn't like Y/n but why?

Felix puts a hand on Jeongin's shoulder. "Maybe next time." He said, soft enough for only him to hear.

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