Its Time!

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**Months later**


Johnny looked at me wide eyed

"My water just broke."

His mouth fell open a bit.

"Im going to have a baby....right now."

He smiled at me

"Even at a time like this your quoting movies"

"I told you I always wanted to do."

"Girl come on let me the bag." Johnny came back really fast with the bag and the car seat. When he got back from the car he unexpectedly scooped up bridal style and kisses me soft and passionately. He broke the kiss with a smile and said "lets go have a baby."




"Tiffany the baby is getting tired just try and give us two more pushes."

Tears were all down her face she was so sweaty and tired looking. I hated to see her like this. I didn't like to see my angle in any kind of pain. "Come on Tiff, you can do it baby." I tried to encourage her.

."ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Johnny it hurtttttttttss!!!! She cried out in pain" Come on baby one more push for me and our angle that's about to be here come on baby, you can do it." She gave the strongest push she could and I smile ear to ear when I head crying of our new baby.

"Congratulations,its a boy." The doctor said." Thank you baby." I said as I kissed her forehead softly. She smiled at me and I kissed those beautiful lips of hers.

The doctor brought us back our new baby boy, Graceson. "He looks just like his daddy." Tiffany smiled at Graceson. "He has his moms big lips" a voice said as we looked up as both our parents walked in. We all hugged and happily greeted each other. "Daddy!" Tiff said as her father hugged her. "Come on men time to light the cigars." "Now Peter you know you not suppose to be smokin." "Oh women my first grandson just got here,its tradition.

Tiffany's POV

The men left and it just all us mothers. I just noticed Graceson has blue eyes. Then I remembered I closed my eyes tight and screamed shit over and over in my head. Johnny dosnt have blue eyes and my eyes are hella brown. What if he's not Johnnys ,I thought in my head "How ya feelin baby?" Johnnys mom said with a sweet smile. "Just tired." "Awww Mommy's baby really grew up." I smiled at my mom. "Hey guys guess what?" "Huh?" "Yes?" I smiled really big "Your grandmothers." We all laughed and the men came back with food for us to eat.

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