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Tiffany's POV

He's kissing me so good I try to talk in between kisses but I just cant his touch is to powerful

"Johnny Stop!"

"Im sorry I dont me to be to forward" he said huskily "But I know what im doing" he griped my ass and pulled me so deep into a passionate kiss. He moved down and kissed and nippled on my neck. I was so wet and I know how he could tell by the way I was moaning

"Johnny?"I moaned

"Yes" he moan right back

"I want you so bad but I cant."

He stopped and look at me.

"Im a virgin,and married,happily.

He's holding my waste and looks deep into my eyes.

"He doesn't love you like I do."

He picked me up and placed me on the shower shelf.

"Give me this."

I was in some kind of trace all I could do was nod. Johnny proceeded to kiss me touching my body with his amazing big manly hands it just felt so good. He stopped. I started at him.

"Tiffany I cant,I love you so much I'd die for you girl but I just cant take you. But God I want to. I want you"

He turned off the water and step out and put a towel around his waste. Then he help me out and put his robe on me. He took me hand.

"Its late you can stay here for the night."

"Oh Johnny its just fine ill just call Terrence to come and get me."

"Tiff its fine dont wake him ill take you home in the morning."


"You can have my room ill sleep in a guest room."

"Now your just being silly ill take a guest room being a guest and all."

"Tiff your taking my room end of it ok im gonna go get dinner started."

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