The Test

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Were going for Gracesons DNA test today. I walked in the place with Johnny and was actually surprised to see Terrence there.

"Umm Terrence Wilson?" A nurse called out for Terrence "Thats me." He walked towards me but Johnny Stood and put Graceson in my arms. Terrence looked at Johnny and then leaned to the side and looked at me.

"Is this really what you want?"


"Fine....but that's not my baby."

"I stood and put Graceson back in Johnnys arms and got right in Terrence's face.

"I fuckin hope its not because you fuckin rapped me with yo liein cheatin alcoholic ass. I have no idea why the fuck I ever married you." Johnny put his hand on my waist. I slapped the shit out of Terrence. He sucked the inside of his cheek and looked at me then at Johnny
"I'll see you in court you beautiful bitch." Then walked to the back with the nurse. I sat back down next to Johnny my heart racing and little teary eyed.

"Im sorry."


"Showing my country ghetto-nes and getting all crazy like that."

"Hay",he put his hand on my lap" I love you no matter what,and that bastard deserved it. Giving up a girl like you. Im really lucky I got you before anyone else did. Im so happy to have you." I looked up and smiled at him. "I love you" Johnny kissed my forehead,my nose,then my lips. When he kissed my lips, I felt Like I was on air. I really really love him.

A little later a nurse called us back and we took our test.

"The results should be in, in about 2 weeks." The doctor told us.
We went home and just waited.

**2 weeks later**

I look in the mail and the results of the test were there. Finally! It was only two weeks but it seemed like an eternity. I walked inside to see Johnny playing with Graceson. Thier my whole world.

"Babe the test are in."

"Good. It took them long enough."

Johnny stood and followed me to then kitchen after puting Graceson in his cute litte baby basket.

"Let me see tiff." Johnny said as he kissed my cheek.

I watched Johnny read the letter.....and then his face changed....and his eyes....they were like I never seen was so scary.
Johnny gently laid the letter on the island and calmly walked out the door, leaving me and Graceson alone

Johnnys POV

I drove to that bastards house as fast as I could and when I pulled up I banged on the door. He opend it and I screamed at him.
You got her pregnant you asshole!" I punched him dead in the face. I kept going I wanted this bastard to feel the pain he causes my wife.
Candy ran inside screaming getting on the phone calling I dont who...

Tiffany's POV

Johnnys been gone for at leat 5mins before I started to panic. I read the results. Graceson was Terrence's." Damnit!" My eyes started to tear up a little. Ive never seen Johnny look that way before. Never. I got Grace and got in the car. I didnt want to go to Terrence's, but I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach Johnny was there.

Pulled up to Terrence house at the site of Johnny on top of him beating the absolute shit out of him. I saw cops get out of there car so I got out with Graceson and ran over to Johnny.

"Baby stop please! Babe now! Johnny the cops are here!"

Johnny stood and watch Terrence struggle to his feet.

"Hay hay whats the problem her?"the cop said.

" Arrest them candy said her snobby little tone.

"Now can someone please explain the situation to me. I really dont want to have to arrest anyone."

"Im sorry sir im here to take my husband home" Graceson kept screaming. I try to hush him but I didnt no what was wrong.

"Imma let you off with a warning sir. But go home now."

"Thank you officer"

I pick up MY son "Shh Its ok little man daddys sorry. Lets go home."

The drive home was really quite.

I put Graceson to bed and was watching TV snuggled up to Johnny.

." Im sorry for the way I handled the situation earlier."

"It's fine he deserved it with what hes been putting use through."

"I think I broke his nose."

"Candy's really pregnant now. I kinda feel bad for her, but not to much."

"Baby, im going to take you to the most wonderful place on earth. Its somewhere you really love."

"Oh? I thought I already had that", as I grabbed and squeezed his dick with a smile. He jumped at the shock of me grabbing it and giggle.

"Girl you nasty. I was talking about Disney World."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Really Johnny!?" I said as I hugged him tight.

"Yep baby my parents and your parents are gonna come watch the baby while we have a good time. I really feel like we need this vacation even though we just had the baby, you're very stressed and I feel this is a great way to get rid of it." He kissed my forehead.

"Now go pack." I screamed at the top of my lugs making Johnny laugh and bend up his face. I ran up the stairs and started to pack.

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