My Babies

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Johnny's at work and im home with the baby. The boss gave me 7 mouths off, for I can spend it with my little guy. Its been great. Johnny is great with Graceson and loves him very much. I cant believe I have to share my angle with that jerk Terrence. At least its not till he turns two. Its gonna be so werid I mean he wont even know who he is. Huh let not even think about it."I see the front door opening fron the kitchen."

"Hey baby"

"Hi babe"

He wrap his arms tight around my waist kissing my lips hungrily while bushing me back into the cabinets.

"Well, arnt you happy to get home."

"Just to see my two babies. Speaking of, where is my little boy?"

"He's in the living room watching a movie."

"K. I'll help you with dinner after im done with the boy and get changed."

The boys and I sit and the dinner table and enjoy conversation.

"So Tiff ya know im been doing some sidework."

"Yeah, hows that going"

" quite good actually umm actually I've been cast in a movie."

"Baby thats great im so super happy for you."

"Ill be back."

"Tiff where are you going?"

The tv duh its shark week feed the baby"

"Baby but I really needa tell you something."

*no reply*

Work Husband(Johnny Depp fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ