Suicidal Flirtations

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Thirteen wilted roses
Bound with pitch tar ribbon
Fraying gently at both ends
Where the seal was forgotten

My heart aches and longs for it

A permanent sleep
Where the hauntings
Can no longer make pursuit

To finally lay down in peace
And stay enveloped within
The comfort of the void

To escape the plague of guilt
To slip away from the stranglehold
Of loneliness and despair.

They do not look my way
Despite subtle waves
And gently spoken pleas
All lost to the wind

Blackened petals flutter away
One by one they fall
Leaving shriveled skeletons
Of their thorns and stems
Clutched all too tightly
Inside a desperate grasp
To keep them together.

Crimson is the only color
That screams life
In the muted and dull space around us

One by one
The drops slip down the stems
And into the dry earth.

They stay out of arms length
Perhaps for their sake
But I know all too well
That it's for my own good

As Death's Kiss is all consuming
And I've grown too fond
Of being overcome by it.

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