I Never Stopped Loving You.

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I could never stop loving you.
Believe me,
I tried.

No matter what
I try to do.
My heart still aches
for you.

I miss it.

I yearn for it.

I still love you

It still burns
A roaring inferno
Passion and devotion
melding into one.

I have loved you
In every way that
a person can be loved.

To protect and hold
To support and comfort
To exist together
Without a shred
of awkwardness
between us

I love you as a friend
Forever, will you have my trust
Forever, will you have my hand
A shoulder to cry on
An ear to borrow
And my words to steal.

I love you too much
To ask for
a second chance.

My love for you,
Your well being,
Your happiness,
Is far greater than
any selfish desire
I still hold towards you.

I love you too much
Because I would rather
Maintain my own feelings
Far away from you
Because I know it is wrong
To resurrect what had died.

To try and force
Life back into the throat
That had been slit.

Taken far too soon
Taken far too suddenly.

I love you too much to fight it.
I love you too much to argue for it.
I love you so much
more than I could ever say.

I love you.
In my heart
Forever, you will remain.

Collection Of Poems: Feelings and FearsWhere stories live. Discover now