All I Know Is Pain.

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Blood, sweat and tears
That is who I am
What I am made up of

I have shed more for blood
Lost more from sweat
Than I ever did with tears

Pushing against the grind
Driving myself deeper into the dirt
I feel my hands are aching
But it doesn't make a difference
when you're always hurting

Soreness in my feet,
Pangs in my back,
Tension in my shoulders,
Pain in my hands,
Pressure in my temples
Squeezing around my head
Deep throbbing behind my eyes.

We keep moving to survive,
Too uncertain to trust in tomorrow.

I am a realist at best, and a pessimist at worst.
The pain will only end once I'm gone.

Weary is the burdened heart
Tired is the restless mind
Unable to sit still
For silence is danger
And chaos is safe.

Violence lives in my bones
Bitterness flows in my blood
I've poisoned myself to ward others away
No more, will I be torn asunder
By those who wish I was easier to digest.

Fuck you, I hope you choke.

Collection Of Poems: Feelings and FearsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora