Swallow It Back Down.

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Swallow it back down.

Even if it burns
And scorches every inch
As it passes through.

There's not enough time
To wait

Because all you have

Is now.

One chance

One try

One time

One promise.

No replays.
No backing down.
No escape.

Keep your word, you said.

You wanted
To hold true.

You know
You never lied.

Too hurt to feel.
Too choked to cry.
Too tired to try.
Too empty to think.

There is never enough time.

Too many infinities
Rest in the future
For anything to stay
Solid or real.

Too many variables
Throw off
The plan.

Too many words
Songs unsung

Opportunities lost

To soften the blow of your loss.

Swallow it back down

No matter how you revolt
No matter the sting
No matter the haze

You need to numb it for now.

Remember her.

Cling onto
What remains
So it may never be lost.

Collection Of Poems: Feelings and FearsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora