Chapter 14: 1997-1998 (updated: 09/10/22)

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June 1997

"I can't believe Tonks is getting married!" exclaimed Penny.

"I know," you replied. "She never seemed that interested in dating while at Hogwarts, then she meets Remus and bam! Tonks in love."

"You know he's Chiara's werewolf friend, right? The one Tonks told us about back at Hogwarts."

"Merlin! I had completely forgotten about that! Haha, so much for her prediction of never seeing him again" you said and the two of you laughed.

"So, the wedding is next month in London," Penny said. "It's going to be really small, I think Tonks said there are only going to be about sixteen of us there." You turned your head and stared out the window. Penny could sense you were thinking about Talbott, "I don't know if he was invited."

"What? Who?" you tried to keep your voice steady, but Penny knew you too well. You hadn't seen Talbott since the autumn after you graduated from Hogwarts. And you had moved on, you had started dating a wizard named Henri, he was French and had attended Beauxbatons around the same time you were at Hogwarts. You regained your composure and said, "he and Tonks are both aurors, they're always on missions together, I'm sure she invited him. Anyway, it doesn't matter, that day is supposed to be about Tonks and Remus."

"Yes, Tonks and Remus!" Penny said smiling.


July 1997

The following month you and Penny made your way to London. The two of you were staying in a hotel for the week and decided to meet Tonks for lunch in a cafe a few days before the wedding. 

"So Tonks, you finally got him to say yes!" said Penny.

"Yes! He was so worried because he's so much older than me and, you know, he's a werewolf. He's also worried because there was new anti-werewolf legislation passed, but I love him and he loves me. In the end, that's all that really matters" Tonks said.

"I'm so happy for you, Tonks!" you replied. The three of you ordered your food and while you were waiting for it to arrive you said, "I'm going to go to the toilet, but I'll be back in a minute."

After you left, Penny leaned over to Tonks and asked "Is Talbott coming?"

"No," Tonks said. "I invited him, but he got sent on a mission."

"That's probably for the best" said Penny.

"I don't think Talbott has ever gotten over Kendra," said Tonks. "I know he's gone on a couple dates and I even set him up with a lovely witch, but that's all they ever are... dates. Is Kendra still with that French guy?"

"Henri?" answered Penny. "Yes, but to be honest, I don't think she's in love with him. I don't know if anyone will ever compare to Talbott."

"Do you think those two will ever figure it out?" Tonks asked.

"Do you think who will figure what out?" you asked as you returned to the table.

Penny and Tonks quickly shot each other awkward glances. "Uh, Tulip and her boyfriend" said Penny.

"Did they break up, again?" you asked.

"Yeah" replied Tonks. "Some couples just aren't meant to be. And some couples, well they find a way to work things out, like Remus and me. True love conquers all."

"I never thought I live to see the day that Tonks spouts romantic platitudes!" you laughed. Tonks rolled her eyes at you then gave herself a pig snout. You and Penny spent the rest of lunch catching up with your friend.

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