always and forever part5

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simon pov

what in the wrold in in the water frist zayn as kime peragnt to time befor this one with four the a set of twins now a set of quints and ellie is having 3 babys and kelly is having 4 babys and the big kick is that amy having 8 babys harry could start his own football team with that meany zany can do that to because he has kids now and he got 5 more on the a boy/ gril band wait and ready if they want to go into muise that is or it chould be a mix band who knows but there must be something in the water oh ya danna at liam just had twins whats in the boys DNA there is something it the water but want cane it be one drection set world recked for most babys bron to a boy call the news bloodly hell

liam -you ok there simon because you look a litte lose in thaought

simon- just trying to see if we could set a wrold recked to this of that fact that or all having more then one kid but zayn you know how that feels bye now rigth mate

zayn- simon there time it can be easy and other times it can be like hell and back you need to fine how to wrok it like it runs easy thak got my mother and father take them on the weekneds

liam-so it will be hard at first form me and danna with the twins

zayn- a litte but not as bad as 4 babys at once or more twins is the easy when you have more then one

harry - then if that the case amy and me are in for it mates because we got 8 on the way

niall -and me and kelly have 4on the way

zayn -you to think that bad try already having a 16 yr old and 4 2yrsolds and 2 1yersold with 5 more on the way me kim can make are own spotrs team with our kids

louis - it good were olny have 3 babys right ellie

zayn -will this hit the news for sure why not beat it and put it twitter they like it to hera from us

louis -good point

zayn- (put on twitter) all of use inone 1D and other hafls are having more then one baby liam and is soon to wife at twins today and rest of us are ex more than one as well you all konw that me and my wife kim 7 kids altredy well we are having 5 more and niall and is girlfrend are having 4babies and loiuse-ellie are having3 babies and the big kicker is harry-and is girlfinend are having 8 babies act once that rigth and this is not a joke fans

fans twitte back holy cow and how much is your guys count it must be high and harry with 8 so god help him

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