always and forever part 14

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Jason's pov

The next morning I woke up early I like it senses something was inside to have last to be watched to some reason we don't know why your last name my dad said for the only to bed was he feels like someone was looking through the house that's not a good feeling at all what's that noise and her down the stairs I wonder if I went there to check I walked into the kitchen and their stood John

Jason what the f*** are you doing here you ass hole get the hell out of this house before I kill you

John that's no way to talk to your father now is a young man

Jason you are not my father you were just a second spring water who helped my mother get pregnant with me did you know what I don't need you I've got a real father and Zayn Jawaad Malik and he's more of a father to me than you ever will be so I told you once I told you twice get the hell out of this house and if you come near me or my mother again anybody in my family you will know what is like because I will kick your ass

John pitiful words my little boy don't you think and I think I can still take you kid

Jason I'm not that sick little boy that used to pick on all the time anymore I'm not that little boy that used to be bored anymore I'm not that little boy is afraid of you anymore I'm 16 years old now and I got a lot more muscle and I know, how to take care of myself so if you don't want me to take you right now I suggest you get the f*** out of here

Johns alright I'll get the f*** out of here for now thats only cuz I hear people coming mark my words boy I will have you and your mother again it was the last goddamn thing I do

Jason I'd like to see you try ass hole and there's a door door hit you on the way out I'm telling you now you come here me or my family or anyone else you will not live to see the next day I want to make sure you don't come near us anymore I swear to God if you hurt anyone that I love I'll see that you rot in hell John

Just a had said that John was about to run towards me and hit me before you could do it I hit him in the eye and gave him a black eye before he can do anything else he ran out the door because it hurts something walking into the living room so I looked up I saw that Zayn and Liam came into the living room

Zayn son are you doing alright why are you doing up so late

Jason I'm up so late because I heard noises in the middle of the night so I came to check into it when I watch is in the kitchen I thought John standing there until they told him to get the f*** out of here if I didn't know what to do but we do know for a fact that he's definitely here now in the UK oh and I decked just before you got here gave him a black eye and then he ran out when he heard you guys coming that was a close call but I don't know what the f*** you was doing here in this hour of the night so I guess you were right when you said someone was watching us but how did he get past the bodyguards and stuff this is crazy he thought he could take me call me a weak little stupid boy but I told them I'm not that weak stupid little boy no more you're the one that was bullied no more I'm not afraid of him no more I actually set up to him I mean if set up to a few times before but and never really worked can see you know if I was stronger than me looks like all those boxing classes and stuff you taught me Liam of paying off

Liam think it's a good thing that I did teach you that stuff kid I'm so good and I'm all for teaching Colleen that as well because you guys know if we need to know how to handle yourself with guys like him out there I was a good thing that you did handle yourself but next time try to get to one of us if you can

Jason oh trust me I will but I don't think I was able to get away from the kitchen that time thank you just earned hurt me big time I think that my biological father would rather kill me then love me but I've got no worries about that because no sweat off my back when I got a real father and in you. zayn may not be my blood father but at least I know I'm loved

Zayn and you always be love buy me some that was the last thing I do when will protect my whole damn family did you get back to bed before Colleen wakes up and see your gone you don't want to worry her or your mother now do you son

Jason yeah you're right I don't want to worry nobody right now alright I think I'm going to heading back to bed for the night but I still think we need to double up the security more now then we did before cuz he actually got in the house but this creeps the s*** out of me

Zayn you and me both. That son anyway like I said going back to bed I'll check with the bodyguards and see how things are and I'll have that then myself and tomorrow morning will take care of everything for everybody safety better because this is not good at all that you're so-called birth father actually getting here

Jason yeah you're right about that anyway I'm heading back to my room see you guys in the morning look up they want you also to stay here tonight cuz it was a good idea were we know that Johns out there somewhere to go waiting on trying to make his next move

Zayn what you know about that that's where you all are everyone is staying here it's a good thing to know that you're younger siblings are over with their grandparents for tonight because I don't think he knows about your younger siblings yet and this is the best way to keep them safe cuz I will do everything to keep everybody safe even bodyguards over with my parents and your younger siblings

Jason is a real good thing anyway I'm heading back to bed got that early sound check tomorrow four strong I'm going to do a good tour and I don't want to let the fans down and with that I went to bed

Zayn pov

I thought to myself I can believe it he had the nerve to actually coming to my house and Jason and John actually got into a fight well it wasn't a fight purse but Jason did get a good deck on I am so proud I did that but I really need to learn more to keep in the safe and the rest of my family

Liam you okay there mate

Zayn just thinking about what to do with Jhon now that we know he out there somewhere and I still wish I knew how he got the inside cuz this is really driving me crazy I just want to know where the f*** is a while he's doing hair because I want to make sure that I can keep my family safe put Kimthrough enough hell

Just as I said that Kim came in to the living room because I could tell that she was looking for me and wondering what I was doing up at this hour in the night

Kim baby what are you doing up so late

Zayn sorry baby I came downstairs with Liam because where hear something and we found Jason in living room after he came out of the kitchen he was up because he heard noises it was in the kitchen jason said John was here and he Dec and then John Randolph when he heard us coming

Kim that ass was here I don't need to deal with him right now because we have a lot of stuff to do plus I'm quintuplets and everything

Zayn I know but he gone for the night baby lets all go back to bed and we deal with this all in the morning

Kim okay because I can not sleep without my husband by my bed

And with that we went to bed but wait till I see that ass

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