always and forever part 29

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Zayn POV

After along day of work in the because it was a really long day for working with the boys and working with my son's group as well I know one thing for sure I don't write everything I have who would have thought though that I would fall for someone that moved into my apartment building so many months back in so many years ago but now look at this I love my wife no matter what

Louis : getting ready to head home to kim hay

Zayn : ya and that a good thing because I'm so tried between us doing are work and me working with 4 strong it not always going to be easy and I'm happy about that if you ask me

And with that I know that I need to get home and rest for the night

Liam : you know what you need mate is for you and Kim to take a trip just the Two of you again because it sounds like it something that you both can us because where soon  going to be helping 4 strong will there World Tour ever things soon so we're going to have to make sure we keep up with them

Zayn: which is a good thing that's going to happen during the summer when the kids are off from school and everything and then next year we have another one of our own that is going to be pretty busy if you ask me

And with that I head back home to see that my babe was sleeping on the sofa with some of the kids watching tv being watched by . Jason and calling because they left us to do little bit earlier to come back to the house it was a good thing to say you had to leave because they had appointments and stuff so was the thing that they were able to get some sleep the kids that is of course

Sarah: hay daddy mommy sleeping

Zayn : I can see that babe gril

And I kiss along with the rest to my children I love them all

Jason  : you look you been working too much Dad I mean between helping me and my band and you doing stuff that you need to do for solo stuff that you're doing on the side plus the stuff you do with One Direction I think you're going to be wearing yourself a little too thin dad if I were you right now had to go get a rest I mean you need a nap

Sarah: yeah daddy take name  you need it

And that was wish how my daughter wanted to get some sleep because of waht been going on and it not Always if you ask me.

Later I woke up to kiss on my lips and that was nice

Kim : good thing to see you home how was your work babe and I hope that it was a good thing if you ask me babe

Zayn : I got home about a few  hours ago and I needed​ to nap so Sarah  lay down with me and she one of the sweetest kids that we have

And I was right because my babe it was nice how my babies are always like that and it a good thing

Kim : ya your right about that babe I just want this week on bed rest to get over so I can does the way I want to as head of security and everything so tell you the truth I definitely miss doing things with you guys because of a job and stuff. I'm done right now I just want to be

Zayn : yeah I know you do baby but this remember as soon as you get back to working with us you have to work with Four Strongto as part of their security team for when we go to be doing a lot of the teams and touring and stuff

Kim: yeah I know where you're coming from and everything that is kind of weird going to be the head of security for my son LOL and his band but you gotta do what you gotta do to keep them getting in trouble and I'll do anything I mean you're not just remember One Direction and doing your solo and his crew to and everything I don't know how you keep up with the baby

Zayn : I keep up with and everything is always make sure to put our kids first and everything like that and he wanted to have a dream to follow like I did I'm not going to let a crush if he wants to be sooner and will do what I can to be there for me just as much as I'm there for the rest of my kids and you know that we're definitely a good team baby

And I meant every single word of it so that mean her definitely a good team and I will always be there kim in the kids need me no matter what

Kim : you're absolutely right and everything about as being a good team baby I just want to say one thing I love you so much and I'm so thankful that I have you my life is change for the better or some so I came here and I'm definitely looking forward to spending my life doing my job and just being with the people I'm supposed to be and you know what you and the kids in the family and friends keep sleeping baby I love you so damn much

Zayn : you're so silly right about that and you know what I've been doing some thinking about taking you away on a trip just the two of us and everything about before the tours start up and everything cuz it's going to be pretty busy and everything I mean you been kept up in this bed so long and everything I think you deserve them and the kids understand to have the right people think you deserve to have

And that what I am going to be doing taking my babe on a trip she needs it

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