Always and Forever part 18

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Jason's POV

I can't believe my so-called father had the decency not he actually stole me away from my family and friends and now he's holding me hostage this is one of the craziest things I've ever seen it mean for strong is supposed to do a concert tonight and everything and here I am stuck where my soon-to-be so-called father is going to do whatever he can to make my life and my mother's life and living f****** hell I just pray and hope that my family are okay and so is my beautiful, Colleen because if anything happens to any of them I'm going to freak and probably decide to rip his ass holes f****** head off

John well I must tougher than I thought boy I don't know how are you came so far and everything you're not that puny little boy that you ever would be forever and stuff than that because we going to be able to still hold you hostage and get back into your stupid family you say I don't give a s*** about you and your mother never did you were just kidding it's convenient for me

Jason wow I feel so privileged not note the sarcasm in my voice when I say you are a f****** a****** I don't give two s**** about who I would mind beating the s*** out of if you come there and if I can't I will not your f****** God damn God damn f****** teeth out will you have by the way I don't give a s*** I'm going to curse and do what I gotta do this to protect myself so he wants to be the fact that you were come get it I'm ready to rip those balls of yours ass

John has your mother ever knew the meaning of the word teach you how to use your f****** manners and s*** like that and you sound like you're ready to be a person drunk and f*** in the cellar kid

Jason oh she's doing way more than teach you how to be a man because the last I checked you were a coward and everything so yeah my mother has taught me how to know when to be there. But usually yes but in situations like this I know when to be the ass and you need to get out of it cuz you got a problem with that isn't going to shut your f****** mouth I don't give a s*** if you hold me hostage or not I'm not going to be here and that you scare the s*** on me this is not your Stockholm syndrome type of situation you know what I mean you're not the type of person that we would actually fall for her after you kidnapped them there's something about you want to kick the s*** living hell out of you because you know what you're worthless person because no one can be and treat the person the way you do so however you like to suck on your ass

I don't think you can leave the f****** attitude and everything has been having and I can't believe I'm actually trying to be the person that I need to be to get away from this as I know one thing I'm scared for my family because if he tries anything God only knows he probably met in prison that's helping them out this is one of the most ridiculous things ever finally when I thought I had him out of my life he has come back and start being an ass I know one thing's for sure I had the actual father that I can actually trust even though you only add up to me I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for Zayn Malik and his family and they will always be there more of a family to me than this house but I know one thing's for f****** sure I'm just going to take this pic down if it's the last thing I have to do because no one is going to say I didn't fight to get away I'm just praying and hoping that everything is ok and everybody in the world was understanding because I do not want anything to happen to anybody because they lost a member of their favorite band or something because he's been kidnapped no I want everybody in the world and know how strong I am hence the name for strong for a band and always will be anyway I know one thing's for sure I'm definitely going to do what I need to get out of this hell-hole I just need to compose myself and figure it out there's no way in fact I'm going to let John and I had he's an ass

Meanwhile Kim's POV

I am just praying and hoping that my son is not letting that ass walk all over and it is actually giving him the business last for once it's so good to know that he's learned from the best considering Lewis is always and always will be considered this as master and one thing's for sure I will never let someone come in between my children and me yes that's right cuz I have so many kids with my beautiful husband right now and I'm one pissed-off pregnant b**** so yeah I look at ass cuz if I find you some of the f*** down you're going down I don't give a s*** what I got to do if so then I have to help out somehow and I'm playing about coming here or what I'm getting my son back and ask and if I can the story I thought but could this be the beginning of him really leaving me alone or can things get worse but I know one thing for sure I'm going to go down with a fight that's for sure because nobody is nothing there was something like this goes on I'm stepping up and saving my son is too f****** last thing I do know one thing my husband is right but going to be by my side no matter what he's not going to let me do this alone and I'm thankful and grateful for the f****** day I first met and fell in love with Zayn jawaad Malik

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