always and forever part 32

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Zayn pov

Me and my family where all getting ready to head to the the O2 Arena tonight 4 strong is getting ready to have a concert it's going to be one of their strongest concert I ever did in a long while. Because they're doing more than opening up tonight is actually there so we're going to school and you be there to see how it goes hopefully everything will go the way they had planned

Jason: hay dad me and the guys are a bit nervous about doing this show today I mean we've always open up to you guys are opened up for other artists as and did little small concerts this is the first time we actually do a concert at the O2 Arena

Zayn : you boys are going to do absolutely great trust me when I say that you guys are always doing good with your vocals and everything like that I mean you even try to cover some One Direction songs which people go freaky about you think it's pretty cool that you even tried to do some my solo stuff they put on my mind of mine album which is kind of funny but I like the way you kids work believe in yourself you'll do good

Jason: thanks that I guess I really needed to hear about it just kind of nervous that we're going to be up see if they're doing a great big concerts

Sarah: you're going to do really good up there you're my big brother and if anybody can kill it up on that stage it you

Jason: Sarah bear you always know what to say don't you thanks little sister

Sarah: just remember what Daddy and I said

Zayn : you're definitely a Big Brother's girl aren't you kiddo

Sarah; what can I say I love my big brother

I had to laugh at that Jason is the perfect big brother to all of his siblings with the thing is they're always going to want to be up around in but there's always been extra attached to him guess for some reason she just feels like her big brother something very special to her

Kim : hay security and everything ready for us to get this show on the road we better hurry if we want to make sure everybody is going to get to the show on time and I can keep a tight schedule with the heads up as head of security and everything for you guys will come on

Jason: well sometimes you're my mom then I will send you have to go in this head of security and everything into work mode is pretty funny LOL let's go

And with that my wife and the rest of the security team had made sure everybody was ready enough to get this show on the go with the venue at this is going to be the biggest show that for strong as ever done let's just hope they can pull it off we'll have to worry about trouble being cuz cuz I tell you these boys work hard specially when they write their own music and everything and I'm so proud of them it's a good thing that me and Liam are their managers

Kim : okay that's really get everybody in before the fans go crazy because we know how big of a fan base of One Direction has and look at the fact that two members of One Direction are the leaders and managers a for strong and this is for strong show so yet let's get going because we don't want to have anything happening over there

Jason Pov

As soon as we got out of the van all the bodyguards got around as a major nothing happened mom stayed really close to me considering she's the head of security she want to make sure we were all good but also being my mother you know making sure I was okay I am her firstborn after all lol

You're walking through the crowd and everything's got almost got pulled in by the bunch of girls it's a good thing my mom got the girls to back off and everything I know one thing for sure it is not easy when we're doing our job as singers and everything you love her fans and that but sometimes it can get a little hectic I know one thing I hate about those the paparazzi office trying to put their nose in where it don't belong at least we know what we're doing

Once inside I saw that Colleen was there standing up next to Liam so that was good

Colleen: good you got in without no problem I thought something was going to happen to you Jason baby if there because I seen there was a lot of tons of girls out there screaming crazy along with the girls go nuts when he see me walk around they tell me I'm so lucky that I have you and that but then there's others that just want to bash in my name in for going out with you sometimes I got to figure out the difference between love and hate will come to your fans

Liam: don't take it to her about stuff like that baby girl I almost forgot I can tell you right now but me and the boys I've dealt with that with every girl that we've dated especially with the ones that were married to them because they just don't like the fact that their hearts are ABS have found someone to share their life with so I just let it roll off the tongue don't worry about it because they're going to say what they want they're just jealous

Jason: yeah like your dad said just then is going to be perfect and everything is going to be pulled up I just remembered something you said the word jealous we're going to be covering Nick Jonas's jealous today that's going to be kind of funny LOL

Colleen: will you and everybody need to get ready to head up there on the stage do me a favor and break a leg baby do the perfect job up there while you're up there and one more thing make sure everything is ok cuz for some reason I have a feeling better than being watch since we walked into the venue

As soon as you said that I looked at my mom and my mom had at this look the says since you've had it security she better make sure everything's okay we do not want any trouble today at the venue whatever is going to happen we better be prepared for

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