always and forever part19

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Zayn POV

We are all worried sick forever going to get Jason back safe and sound and I really want to come back and get him back see you soon he's my son he may not be my son but what if I adopt him and I love him like he's my own and I have my child or children take over my beautiful wife Kim is a mess

Just as I was thinking all this I got a phone call

Zayn hello

Louis hey man you're not going to believe this I was leaving KFC and I noticed John so I followed him I'm outside of some crazy old Warehouse I'll take a picture of it and the address and text it to you get here it's going to hurt but I'm going to make it look like that I can't be seen when I know no one is around want to sneak in and see how Jason is doing and I'll wait until you guys can get here because we want to make sure the boys okay

Zayn thanks Louis I oh you one

Louis no you don't that boy is just so much my nephew and he is your son

And with that I got off the phone and went to tell Kim

Zayn babe I just had a call Louis found out where they have Jason and he going to sneak in and check in on everything when you got a chance you better now I am going to get over to this address pretty quick if we wanted to get him back safe and sound

Kim thank God we're going to get my son back seat and see where I should see her son is just so shocking to the better be I mean I can't eat I can't sleep it's been four or five days since they took them and the meeting is going friends say about it because we're one where his parents too reason for strong and you know how big for strong is coming almost as big as One Direction but they don't have as many followers as you but they're next in line mean

Zayn ask me anything no one is going to lay a hand on my family again if I got anything to do about it once I know their son is safe if John comes after me look out I'm going all f****** Bradford bad boy on his ass and I mean it there's no way in hell I'm going to let him get anywhere near any member of us in the family or anybody from One Direction anybody like that they come here anyway this to hurt anybody and I'm going to take them down in a matter of seconds

Kim you do know when you act that way baby I get so turned on right and I'm really worried about that later on because I really find that sexy when you are so brave intolerable but right now let's go do what we gotta do to get my son back and your son back home safe and sound because this is the last straw I had for my ex while I'm ready to go and kick him between the balls I am not dealing with John anymore

Zayn - you don't have to deal with him anymore baby I'm going to go and meet up with Luis and I'll figure out what to do the rest of the people are going to meet us there to Scotland Yard and everything we're going to find Jason getting back safe and sound if you want to make sure our boy gets back in one piece okay

Kim- just promise me that you'll be very careful baby I don't want nothing to happen to you or Jason or anybody else for that matter

Zayn - okay will be careful I promise you okay I love you so much I'll be back soon

Kim- you better be back home safe to me Babe with Jason safe and sound

And with that I went to meet Louis and get my baby back safe sound and I'm happy that I know where he is better be ok and I'm just hoping he ok and mind



Thank God they know where my babe and Louis are going to try and get my babe back safe and sound because I need to know that John has not done nothing to my son

I'm just praying and hoping that everybody will come back safe and sound because I do not need any trouble at all I just want my family to have a normal life again but why does my ex always have to come back and try to cause problems for me I just want it all to end


Louis POV

Right now I'm waiting for the Zayn and everybody else to come and meet me because I definitely know that John is in there with Jason for sure I just gotta make sure I know exactly where Jason is because we have to do everything in our power to get him back safe and sound

Soon as I noticed that John was leaving to go somewhere I ran and hid behind the house so he didn't see me I've got a feeling he's definitely up to something and now that he's gone I'm going to try and see where I can find you some before it's too late

Started walking around the back of the warehouse I looked inside and saw Jason tied up in there nobody else was there just tell looks like he was being fed and everything so this John is not doing anything too drastic but there's there's gotta be a way we can get in there and get Jason back in one piece

As soon as I saw Jason I threw a rock at window to get his attention as soon as I done that he looked up and saw me with a big smile on his face as if to say he was really and I know if I'm going to get you out of here kid and your dad is on the way along with the rest of Scotland Yard and he just smiled as if the same thank God because as far as he's concerned  Zayn is his  father because he adopted him

Jason POV

Thank God that Louis is here and he said that my father is on the way when he was that you talking about zayn my uncle Simon is currently at Scotland Yard because if I know that they're not going to leave me here much longer so thank God because Jon said when he come back he was going to do some stuff to me it's a good thing they're here they better get me out of here before it's too late though I just want to get home to my family my mother and my siblings and my dad that's all I want I don't need you in my life he may be my birth father but he's not my father cuz he was never there when I need it

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