always and forever part 37

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Zayn pov

Well it the next day we need make sure are kids are up and ready to be watched my my parents the the ones that are not big enough for daycare School the others are going to school and stuff like that and of course it's going to be another busy day in the studio so yeah and then we have to finish planning the two tours this coming up being the One Direction tour in the Four Strongtour and I know one thing for sure my baby is going to be so busy keeping up with everything

Zayn : hay come on kids we don't need any on you be late has this is definitely one of these with the nannies are all they had to have some time off too we can have been working too much and it's a good thing I'm taking the younger ones to Grandma's and you others go to daycare and school and stuff like that so big help

Jason: you know that I have to pass where am I was on my way to go to school why don't I just take the ones I got to go to Grandma's in my car and you can take the other ones too daycare in their school be a lot easier on you

Zayn : that would be great if you take the movies going to Grandma's to Grandma and Grandpa and he will take the daycare kids to daycare and your mom is going to take the boys to go to school to school that's a good way of being organized because I tell you there's a lot to keep track of

Jason: I know that so I know the bodyguards are going to be coupled up around me and the guys at school and everything plus I have practices today so it might be a little bit before 4 strong get to the studio and then we can work on with everything we have to do so basically I have a pretty busy day

Zayn: nothing more than usual kid that's what I was like when you remember the Malik family the other crazy lives LOL specially when there's a lot of fame involved

Kim :( walks into the room) you are not kidding when you say there's a lot going on baby that's stuff we need to do about we're going to step up around here because one way or another ever going to make sure the family gets everything they need

Next thing you know after we all have our food and everything we're all off doing what we have to do. I'm taking Kim is taking the younger ones that go to school to their school you and Jason is taking the ones have to go to my parents to them because he has to pass there to go to his school and good thing that it safe us time .


Jason Pov

I'm so happy that I can always make sure that I can help my parents out so me and Colleen are taking. The younger one that doesn't go to school or daycare to my grandparents .that should help my parents out

As soon as I pulled up my garndman came out with my aunt Safa and they started to take the kids inside and that .a good thing because I know it would be hard for me to take them all inside . For the day

Trisha: ok Jason now that you and colleen dropped​ of all of the kids that are not going to school or daycare you need to hurry up and get going to the high school years before you're late don't need you Colleen  being late

Jason: no you're right about Grandma love you and my aunt's and Grandpa see all later kiss is Grandma cheek)

And with.that we left for school I definitely know one day it's going to be pretty busy because between school practice working on the new album and . Getting ready for my commimg tour with my group for going to be carzy but I would not trade the life I have with my family. For anything

And with that I left for school


Kim pov

I was heading​ to the  to do after I dropped all the kids off to school I was paying attention and doing what I was supposed to went up and nowhere this crazy driver came right for me and next thing I know my car is swerving and I hit a brick wall and I blacked out

And  just before I had blacked out .I saw the car take off and I recognized the driver to be John he's crazier than I thought about. I know for I swear that he's definitely around and what somebody helping him this is not good

And when I did blackout we heard people telling me to hang on and then there's was someone yelling call 999 because that what they call in the UK where most of the world is 911 just so you know the difference I. Hope they get me help very quickly was the only thing I was thinking just before I had blackout​


Simon  pov

I was on my to the recording studio to see how things was going when I was passing by this car I recognized weekends I got it and I saw it happen I couldn't believe it my niece I blacked out like someone ran her off the road

Simon : did anyone call 999 yet that's my niece

Man : yeah my wife just my wife had already called so the ambulance is on the way mr. Simon Cowell

Simon : thank you any of you guys see what happens

Lady : some crazy guy came Outta nowhere and knocks her car out and everything like that it's got the license plate and everything of him and I even got a description of him and I was lucky that I happened to be a forensic artist so I drew it right quick when I seen him

When I saw who it was I couldn't believe it it was John​just great he has to try to come back and cause problems for her and everything we don't need him back around I know one thing for sure that their phone Zayn and let him know he's not going to be taking this easy

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