always Forever part 20

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Zayn POV

I just show up at the Warehouse where Luis told me to meet him

Louis - hay man  Jason is inside the warehouse jobs gone somewhere right now that's a good thing though it's Simon is on the way with Scotland Yard so you really gotta make sure we can get Jason out of there before it's too late

Zayn - I just want to hurry up and get my son out of there safe and sound I mean I want to get him back safe and sound of his mother and his siblings where he belongs and back to being a member for strong like he's supposed to be living his life normally do and what he wants to do I'm not about to leave him in this situation because of his crazy psychotic birth father I'm more  about her that kids and I never will be

Louis - you are most definitely right about that I knew that you would be more of a father to that kid I knew you have been ever since you met him when he was 14 when he first started dating his mother never even closer to him so we're definitely going to get him out of there safe and sound and Jason knows I'm around and that you were on the way because I was able to warn him by throwing a rock at the window and showing him I was there so he's feeling a little relief we just got to get in there and get him

Zayn - we need to hurry up and get inside if we want to try and get him that because if we don't hurry up and get him out of there I'm going to be scared of anything happens to my son so that's going to get him

Harry -( other boys just arrived) we should just go in there without Scotland Yard they should be here any minute actually Here  now that you pull up let's do this and get your son over there she can send them

Simon - come on we're going to go in there right now and get the kids back before it's too late come on we need to get you somewhere safe and sound I want my great-nephew back in one piece there's no way I'm going to let anything happen to that kid on my

Just as Simon had said we saw John Scotland Yard ran after him as fast as we when inside to get Jason and I hope I can get him out safe and sound because he my son and I don't want anything to happen to him at all

So we all ran inside to get Jason why the cops were at the job they told us to go in together when I seen Jason they are tied up I ran to him right away and I'll tie them there was no way I was going to leave my son  there if I can get him out of it he was very relieved when we got to and the first thing he did was hug because he didn't want to let go I mean he's 16 years old but that was a scary situation for him to be in

Jason - thank God you guys got here when you did that how did you guys find me

Zayn - Louis saw Jon somewhere And he follow him till he found you

Jason- thanks uncle Louis

Louis- no problem kiddo I was in a legal situation like that I thought I can pull you out of that situation before it's too late I'm going to do what I can to help you

Simon- are you ok Jason

Jason - ya I'm find uncle Simon and I'm safe and happy that you all found me when you did did you guys catch John

Simon- Scotland Yard gun for now but we don't know what's going to happen anyway let's get out of here so you can get home because I'm sure your mother is worried sick and say I'm crazy about you right now

Zayn- yeah come on kiddo let's get you home and is more than likely your mother's going to want to see you right now your siblings and I'm sure Colleen is going to want to see her boyfriend I make sure that you're safe and sound come on let's get out of here before it's too late

Jason- you said it must have no doubt I really want to get home the rest of the family and I do not want to have to stay here any longer knowing this I may have had any more nightmares now because of that idiot that he was so called her father at 9 like I said you're more of a father to me than you'll ever be

And I mean every word you just said was true because I am more of a father than human jaw never will be I just want to hear you're only going home to Kim I don't tell them would be so nice to know that I have them safe and sound this is all I want is for my family to be over there where is a normal life because right now I think she deserves to know that her son is


I'm now waiting for my husband to come home safe and sound because Zayn called me and told me that they are home and they got Jason safe and sound that all that I want right now and I'm happy about that because Sara is crying for her big brother and his other siblings are missing him like crazy too we just want them back safe and sound just what I want to and I let Collin know that was coming home safe and sound as well so she was looking forward to coming over right now because she just wants to be back in Jason and Dana coming over to

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