always and forever part 27

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Zayn POV

I just got home with the take out that my Kim asked me to pick up so that what I did.And that a good thing because I know that she is tried and stuff like that because she had alot of stress and she having alot of kids

Zayn : hay Kim babe I'm home

Kim : I'm in the bedroom where I need to be babe

Zayn : hay how you feeling beautiful because the thing is I can tell that you seem to be pretty tired and everything are you sure you're okay

Kim: absolutely fine baby there's nothing to worry about I'm just tired and everything, and press I'm bored and stuff like that I mean there's a lot of kids everything in the house look after and stuff I just want something to do if I feel like I'm stuck in this bed you know

Zayn : it hard to believe that where all in the group one direction and where all have kids and everything I mean when you have them outside how are you I don't know sometimes I like to joke and think I'm a baby making machine how well

Kim: yeah you're the machine that carries and I'm on the oven LOL because I tell you is not even want to have to carry when you're nine months but I do what I gotta do and I wouldn't trade it for the world

I could help smile about my life srue as gotten better since I meet Kim she my everything and her son is now my son and I love the good kid that he as grown into and that a really good thing because I think that he needs to be happy.and stuff and he doing geart with Colleen absolutely perfect

Kim : so babe what did you bring home for dinner

Zayn : subway and KFC because I was not sure what you wanted more because you asked for either so I got both and I know Jason and the boys in four strong can eat alot and so can Niall and the guys are all here

Kim: ya your right about them eatting alot babe it almost like Niall is a vacuum cleaner and everything because I tell you he definitely knows where to put the food I want to tell you he is pretty much sucks it all up LOL

Zayn : that's one way of describing it baby and I think you're doing the right thing by saying it that way but come on let's get ready we need to I have a feeling if you want to come downstairs cuz you probably think I'm still in this bed all day having you and you want to be able to stretch my right

Kim : you are so right about that baby cuz I'm sick and tired of being on bed rest I just want to be able to get up walk around and move and stretch my legs and everything I am so tired of all this supposed to good thing though you have a lot of kids and that and I just want to be able to get back to doing what I love being a mother and wife to you and working my job

Zayn: you know he gotten stronger over the years and everything coming from a long way ever since you moved here and met me and I'm glad that you were able to get everything you want in life and that's what you told me about the life you had back in Canada is a good thing things and change for you

Kim : ya your right about that babe and that a good thing because I am more independent and everything now I don't have to worry about I'm going to crack and everything a man because of crazy ex I know I work 3 jobs and everything and everything that they are but I had to do what I had to do to make sure I was able to revive my son but now he's I have a good study paying job that's a lot better and everything with the courses and stuff I know everything is on track to a it supposed to be so that's good and I'm grateful for the fact that I could be here moving a life married to you and I love you so much

Zayn : I love you too babe

So me and my babe went downstairs and sat down to eat and it was nice how shara was sitting in her big bothers lap because she I all about her big bother and that a good thing

Shara : look daddy me sit with Jason

Zayn : I can see that babe and it a cute thing and I know that your all about your big brother

And we all ate and then the boys of four strong all went upstairs to work on a song and I help my wife up the your ones to bed and. I know that share was not going to bed easy .but that  was because she wanted to have Jason sing to her a lullaby that he wrote for her she's definitely all the her Big Brother

Zayn : hay Jason I know that you and the boys are working on songs for the cd that you put out a second time well can you single to Shara been she will not go to sleep if you don't son

Jason: sure dad I'll be back in a minute because Shara will not go to unless I'm the one sing the lullaby ever before and everything to her she's all of them and she will not go to sleep, she knows I'm around LOL

Scott : yeah she's one sweet little girl and everything and I think it's kind of funny how she's only a little tiny two or three year old and she thinks that I'm cute LOL

And with that Jason got Shara to get some sleep and stuff like that because I. Don't need a tried  3 year old or 2 year old on are hands . Later on when I knew that everybody was asleep and my baby went to bed it was good playing that me and my kids and my wife are very close and everything like that it was just a really long day and it's time we get the rest that we need

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