always and forever part7

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kim pov 

iwoke  up to my baby holding me close i love this man more we have 7 geart kids now we are having 5 more i can belive how bless i m rigth now im gone from hell with jhon to the life in the wrold because this man he is why im still alive and kicking speaking of kiciking this football team will not stop  and it is hard to relax it hurts like hell to  they need to learn and take it easy on me just then i heard someone yelling out holle and i knew who it was it was zayn mother with kids and every since i married zayn i was to call her mom and is dad dad  because thay love me like i'm there own now it time for me to feel free from my past 

kim- upsatirs in the bedroom mom( i called out)

zayn mom- (come in with the young kids ) ih sweet how you feeling carring more of my garnd babies 

kim- im ok but back hurts alot and i need  to stay on bed rest and it kllling me that i cant do anything  for myself i feel like im a big fat whale and it killing me because im don't look good this way at all

zayn- (wakes up)- baby you are not a whale you are the love of my life and you are onces agin carrying my babies waht more can i ask for because you are verything to me we i meet you i knew that you were the one and im happy that i adopted jason becasue my life just gave me more to love and when you have those babies ill realy need to sterp it up at wrok it good job i'm  wroth alot of  mony because we need alot to give the kids what they need and stuff so just know that know matter how big you get your still my baby 

zayn mom- he right baby girl your not fat your carrying my gard babies 

kim - i need to shower baby can you help me to get up because im so big i cant move on my own right now when it comes to getting of the bed 

zayn- here baby  you'll be ok lets just get you satnd up and inthe shower

zayn mom- i will put the babies to bed for there nap for you and make you guys some food the rest of family is down stairs so well stay to hepl out aslong as she i bed rest  because we did the last to times and well do in again because we know the dr don't want kim stress out and stuff 

zayn-thanks mom and it good that when we all go on tour agian you we help out  and stuff 

zaynmom- baby that what family is for you i love you and kim and jason and the babies be that what family do  and just know when you need us were here 

kim(comes out of the shwoer and kiss zayn mom onthe check ) thaks mom it good to know and me jason love just as much as you do us because i never had anything like that back home but this is home now and always will because when we move  her we got to live are life and i found uncle simon and you guys s now i know im going to be good aslong as my past don't trun up agian 

zayn- amd will not baby i love and that is always going to be here when it is need and stuff

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