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The next morning i called Simon to tell him that John was her  last night because it not good for him to be around it a good thing that Jason got a hit in on him that dick is not getting near my family if i can help it .


SIMON - hay Zayn what can i do for you me boy 

Zayn - just thought i should tell that John was here last night and i  don't like it that he was  here Jason caught him and told him off and to get the hell out it was not a good thing  that he was here but Jason did get a good hit in on him he almost broken John noise  i would of love to have seem him but John was gone before me and Liam got downstairs and Jason told us everything that happen 

SIMON - that ass better not of lay a hand  on Jason when he came downstairs and saw him 

Zayn - no he didn't because Liam show him how to box so Jason could handle himself pulse in kick boxing so he can look after himself if know won us around to help him out 

Simon - good because him and KIM are my blood i mean MY  bother was her dad

Zayn - ya i know how you feel i mean she my wife and i adopted Jason as my own and me and kids have more kids together and i don't want anything to happen at all to my family 

Simon - and  nothing will happen  to your family  i will see to it that there safe and sound  but we need  to double up the  teams of bodygaurds  because if we don't god knows what John will do next  and that scared the S****** out of me and i bet it do Kim to am I right 

Zayn - yes you are because she don't want to sleep knowing he out there somewhere and it sacred the  F******** out of her and she does know what to do because of him being around 

Simon - well he will not get near her or anyone of your family your my family to now Zayn because your my in -Law 

Zayn - ya and i always call you uncle Simon just like the other lads 

Simon - well i need to go and step it up that your all safe is and Four STRONG  show and i hope it goes good because JASON and the boys in is group work so hard see there  later 

Zayn- see you later at the show 

and with that we got of the phone and i was happy  because now i know that my  family will be safe and with that thought i went to check in on my wife  to see if she was doing okay  because i know that she is sacred  of John and she as a right to be he put thought hell and Back he not that man she thought he was when they first meet . he was a fake and  now she knows that because she found out about his bad pass and she moved for him with me and i'm so happy that i have my baby and my kids . i walked in to mine and Kim room and i could hear her yelling for John to stop she was having one of her Nightmares she as not had them for a while but now that she back she having them again .

Zayn - baby you need to wake up it alright 

KIM - Zayn it was so real he was in the house coming for me and all off the kids and he was going to shoot you it felt so real and i don't want to deal with him again baby I'm sacred to f***** About John 

Zayn -  You don't need to be sacred i'm  here just like i was here the  first time we got him and i'll be here now I called Simon and he  looking in to things right now so we should be okay  

ALWAYS AND FORVER THE   PART2 TO FRESH NEW STARTUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum