always and forever part 23

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Well I'm now getting out of the hospital and I get to head back home and I'm looking forward to that because right now I just want to be home with my family and friends and get back to work when I can I just wanted to be with my family like I said

Zayn -hay babe you ready to go home

Kim - ready to get out of here and head home I just wanted to be home with my family right now that's not too much for me know mom has a baby so when we get home I'm going to need as much help as I can keeping up with everybody for a while because that was one that hurt his child birth ever did in a while

Zayn - I can't help but agree with you on that baby you definitely deserve to have everybody that loves you with you and stuff like that was just head home and relax and everything that we don't have no work for them for the next few days which is good because that way I could be home with you and everything like that and I'm sure you just want to be able to take it easy and everything cuz I will have happened in such a little time

Kim- yeah we had so much stuff happening right now that was so stressful and everything for me please and one of the babies are gaining weight and everything we're going to be fine I'll have to do is rest a couple more weeks because we took a lot out of me to forget to go to the hospital and everything

Zayn - yes it's a wonderful thing that you finally get to go to the hospital and everything we're almost back at the house I can't wait because that way I can make sure you're comfortable and everything I hold you tonight in my arms I just wanted to know that you're safe and everything I love you so much and I know your ex is out there somewhere I mean after I was locked up before and then we finally be able to catch you again hopefully he'll stay away for now because I mean he's put you through that so much I don't want you to be going through that again

Kim- I know exactly what you're saying and everything and I'll be perfectly fine and okay baby let's just get home so I can get dressed and everything and do what I need to do

Zayn - sure baby let's go and get home as fast as we can

And with that we just make sure we got home and everything on one piece goes to tell you the truth I really just want to be with my family and rest for the night I don't want to have to deal with anything that I dealt with in a long time because this is very annoying to me trying to get around and not be able to move away from somebody because they're such an ass I'm grateful now that I have them in my life and everything it's going to be just right there by my side we've always said always and forever and I mean it I just know one thing for sure I'm going to be able to do everything in my power to help my baby knows I love him and he loves me for all the right reasons I just wanted to make sure they will never have to deal with that that's why I was part of my past again but sometimes you never want to have to deal with again now that I can move forward hopefully and just be with my family and everything that's not too much to ask


Meanwhile with the family and friends

Dana POV

Right now we are happy and everything that Kim is coming back home safe and sound right now we're planning to have a surprise party and everything for her which is what she deserves she's been through so much and we can't wait to meet her as she walks through the door but those five beautiful babies of hers is just pray and hope that none of the other ones that are pregnant go into labor any time soon LOL because that's something we don't need to deal with before their whole time anyway we do know for sure though that he is full-term funny thing is though that she is carrying it which is probably going to be kind of her about her let's just hope we can get through the party without having the deal though because it's going to be crazy you know people almost forgot that the other girls were praying and stuff with everything that was going on but we made sure they were still okay

Colleen - you seem like you're lost in thought and everything their mom is ok

Dana - yeah I'm fine honey just worried about the fact that everything that had to be going on you know it's good you know it was a good thing that your Aunt Kim is going to be ok and everything we're just kind of worried about everything that's happened around here you know it's a good thing we just call each other and came in and even your kids is because I'll be kind of where were you two dating if you were related LOL you and Jason are we good together and everything in that it's just I wish we were able to figure out why our past keeps coming back to try and bite us in the Ass

Colleen - yeah I guess you're right and everything about that but I will be grateful when she hurries up and get home like you said everything should be getting back to normal then all the kids are running around being hyper and stuff it's kind of funny that there's so many kids in this house are ready and look at it now they're bringing 5 more home they definitely have a big family they have more than the freaking Brady Bunch but that's funny if you ask me but it's going to be kind of cool at least they're doing all the right things and they know how to juggle everything

Sara (- walks up to Colleen ) up Colleen me sleepy is Mommy going to be home soon

Colleen - she's on the way home with your dad and everybody now so she should be home in no problem so what get you to lie down for a bit till she gets home do you want to wait and see her when she comes home

I thought it was really cute that Sarah watch my daughter and everything she's more touch to Colleen a big brother is really cute hopefully that everything will be fine when her mother and her siblings and everything at home is going to be nice to have him back safe and sound I was just hope she can get the rest she needs she's been through

ALWAYS AND FORVER THE   PART2 TO FRESH NEW STARTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang