Always and Forever part 22

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I woke up in the middle of the night I'm screaming like crazy I couldn't help it for some reason I kept having a nightmare of everything that happened in the last little bit it's a good thing my husband woke up and woke me up

Zayn - hay Babe it ok where good your safe and sound and so is the kids and all the guys and girls are safe nothing to worry about where all good

Sara - you okay Mommy I woke up to you screaming and I had to come in to see if you were alright

Zayn - she just had a bad dream baby girl but she ok now

Sara - gets inside the bed with both her parents and hugs them both and kiss your cheeks and I sleep with you make sure Mommy okay

Kim - ok baby girl mommy like that

And with that we went back to sleep because of it was a really good thing because I need my sleep but I did not think I would wakes up around the middle of the night again because my water had broken and that not a good thing I don't know if I'm going to make to the hospital in time to have my babies

Zayn - babe what is wrong

Kim - the babies are coming know and I don't think the timing is good because I am going to have them now they will not wait till we get to the hospital babe it hurts

Jason - I called 999 there on the way because I heard you and mom talking  dad and I know you needed  to keep mum breathing good in everything until they get here

Zayn - okay I'll stay with your mom and you watch for the paramedics to get here

Jason - ok

And soon they came in really fast and the next thing I knew they where helping me giving birth to the babies

And I was been to the hospital as soon as they were born because I really needed to have the kids create quick because the thing was they were coming so quickly that I need to look at everything that helped but the five of them were born good so we so I know I'm OK and they're okay but they want to keep me overnight for observation which is a good thing because to tell you the truth that was bloody hell without epidural


Zayn POV

Right now we are at the hospital why my wife and the quintuplets gets into because she went into labor 2 months early but they told me that her and the babies are fine just a one of them right away so they're going to have to be in here for a few days so the babies can gain some weight and she can get some treatment because the the birth was really hard on her and she needs to have some rest that the doctor can give her some stuff and keep an eye on her she definitely needs to be able to be up to full health again but other than that everything's going to be great

Dana - hey we got here as soon as he could how did everything go

Zayn - it went good everything's fine the baby just need to gain a little weight and she has to rest for a bit in the hospital and not because of a lot on her I mean she didn't even get a chance to have an epidural or nothing man this is really really bad for him five babies that wasn't easy and she had to help but the paramedics she didn't even get to have it here at the hospital she had them at home it was really hard on her tell you she never had time to even get here it's a good thing they came and helped her at the house cuz I tell you that was the worst she's had given birth yet

Dana - well it's a good thing that she's a strong person because if we know Kim and she's a fighter and she don't want anything keep her down

Liam - she's one of the strongest women I know I mean she'll fight your way out of something if she has to she's a Survivor for sure

Zayn - yeah that's definitely one thing I can always say about my wife she's always been tough and I love her and everything like that I mean she's been through so much and look at her now she has come so far and I'm not about to let anything happen to her ever again on my lunch like I said my family is the most important thing in my life right now

Liam - your mother and father are watching the younger ones Jason, and Colleen her helping them

Zayn - good that's really good things to tell you the truth I don't know if I can handle anything right now because I really just want to focus on the fact that my other 5 kids were just born and be there for him right now because I think she's going to want me there when she wakes up from her nap because she always feels better knowing I'm by her side so I just came up to check in with you guys so I'm going to go back to him okay

Dana - yeah well they will keep us posted on how she's doing and everything

And with that I went back to my baby because she needs right now as much as I do

Jason POV

Well I can only say one thing is good for sure I get to be back home safe and sound where I'm supposed to be after getting away from my so-called birth father but is pretty bad then another one the labor and just had my other siblings I hope she's okay right now I'm helping my grandparents with the others I just want everything to turn out the way it's supposed to but I know one thing it's good to be home and hopefully everything will work out with the babies and stuff dad text me saying that they're okay but they need to gain some weight which is good and Mom just needs some rest I'm going to be in the hospital for a few days until she gets her strength back because this was the worst breath on her but other than that everything is going to be good thank God I'm just glad that everything is starting to take its shape again I wonder when is going to be like when everyone starts having their babies because of the damn people and stuff LOL

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