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A/N Anyone like anime....if so you should watch Akame Ga Kill, Angel Beats and/or Sword art online


Tough guy: I can't believe your still a Virgin! HAHAHAHA
Other Guy: I was a Virgin until last night
Tough guy: As if!
Other guy: Yeah man just ask your sister
Tough Guy: I don't have a sister???
Other Guy: You will in about 9 months

Bully is provoking a wimpy kid
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: NO!
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: NO!
Bully: Hit me!
Wimp: I don't know where you are from but in this country we don't believe in hitting little girls. (a/n this reminds me of a scene from the dark knight)

John: Hey.
Tracy: Hey what are you doing?
John: Just texting the most gorgeous and beautiful girl in the world.
Tracy: Awww that's so sweet, thanx John...
John: But she did not text me back, and now am texting you.

Me: *makes a flat joke*
Friend: Wow! Want a prize for that?
Me: Yeah, why not, I can just refund it and get the money you paid for it with :)
Friend: How 'bout I just punch you in the face? You can't refund that!
Me: No, I'll just return that.

Teacher: Since your one talking can you solve a problem?
Student: The problem is you, and the solution is mind your own business.

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