Meeting her

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*edited version


My feet are covered in blisters after two weeks work, but still I smile at the morning sun as I wrap my feet in some spare cloth Jisoo gave me. Slipping my feet into my shoes and quickly making my bed, I follow the other girls to the dining room for breakfast.

Cleaning away the remnants of this morning’s porridge, I'm approached by Prudence. This woman seems to be determined to make me quit, giving me the most tedious tasks with the most ridiculous time limits.

"Lisa, I need you to pick 500 of the best blueberries from the garden and be back her by 11 o'clock sharp." she orders as she aggressively shoves the basket at me. I'm fully aware she doesn't like me, all but 3 days into my stay she told me to go home and give my job to good Korean girl, but my own financial situation has trapped me here, so I just look into her stone cold eyes and smile.

"Yes madam," I slightly bow before scurrying off to the gardens.
The morning sun was welcome beauty. I make my way down the winding dirt path towards the blueberries. Crouching down I sift through the bushes to find the very best berries.

*Minor gore warning*

Three baskets later I had estimated to have picked about 300. According to Bell on the clock tower, it was already 10 o'clock. I start double speed, picking the best berries as fast as I can. I didn't see the wire that was put there to hold the berry bush to the fence but had since been outgrown. As hand sweeps past the wire my skin catches the wire leaving a deep tare in my flesh and eliciting a harsh hiss. 

"hello? Is somewhere there?"

I must have been overheard. I tentatively peak over the bushes to see who is there, holding my injured right hand to myself while my left hand continues to pick the berries. My mind and hand simultaneously freeze when I finally find the owner of the angelic voice.


Finally, I'm free of the corsets and petticoats of my debutant dress. I decide to clear my head with peaceful walk through the gardens. I dressed in a free-flowing dress that sweeps about my ankles. My hair rests in a plat over the right shoulder of my greenie-blue dress.

The sun is highlighting the colour of each rose I pass as I make my way deeper into the garden, further towards the servant’s quarters

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The sun is highlighting the colour of each rose I pass as I make my way deeper into the garden, further towards the servant’s quarters.

*Loud hiss*

What was that, clearly someone is nearby. Flicking my head around I frantically search for the source of the sound. "Hello? Is someone there?" I tentatively ask. Still franticly looking for someone, anyone.

A head slowly peeps above one of the blueberry bushes a few paces away, I get the smallest glimpse of the most beautiful, chocolate brown eyes I have ever seen in my life. I feel my heart start to race, my lungs seem incapable to draw in any air whatsoever. Before I had sufficient amount of time to take in the beauty of her eyes, she ducks back behind the bushes.

I slowly make my way around until I'm behind her, she's still hiding from me thinking I was where I was standing before I had moved. There's a small puddle of blood next to a half-filled basket of blueberries.
"Oh Lord, what happened to your hand dear? Are you alright?" Her chocolate eyes fill with fear and her throat bobs as she attempts to swallow her fear. Her eyes flick to the ground as she avoids my question.

"why are you not saying anything? Are you alright dear?"

She stubbornly holds her gaze to the grass.

"Are you mute perhaps?" I ask.




"Oh for the love of God would you please say something!" I didn't mean to shout, I'm just so sick of being ignored. I watch her like a hawk as she opens and closes her mouth like a fish. I just want to help you! Will you let me help you!

“I promise I won’t hurt or report you, just tell me, are you alright?”

"A-apologies your highness, Madam pru-prudence says I am not to speak to the royal f-family" I huff at the mention of Prudence’s stupid rule. Why should she not talk to me? At least she has a skill, at least she has earned her living.

“That rule is stupid in every sense of the word, and I rarely curse.” She chuckles before investigating each blade of grass once more. I watch as the blood continues to poor out of the nasty gash on her hand.

Without hesitating I reach down and rip a strip of satin from the end of my dress, as the girl gasps in shock. I reach for her hand, holding her wrist tightly. As I bring the fabric up to begin wrapping she suddenly tries to desperately pull her hand away.

"N-no your highness, I'm sorry, I can't let you ruin your dress for me, I'm sure it's very expensive.” These words shock me, I agree that one shouldn’t be wasteful and purposely destroy things of high value, but human life is much more important. I place the fabric on my lap and tilt up her chin with my right hand so that I can see her beautiful eyes once more, while my left hand continues to hold her wrist. 

"I'm sorry too, I'm sorry this world ever convinced you that you are worth less than a strip of fabric. Now please, hold still, we can't have your hand getting infected now can we."
She tentatively nods her head and watches me intently as gently wrap her hand. I secure the makeshift bandage before placing a tentative kiss on top. I just couldn't help myself, she's too cute!

"How did you get that nasty cut anyway?" I ask

"I-I was picking berries" she stutters as she points to the baskets of berries. "and I didn't notice that wire there and I cut myself, your highness, I'm very sorry."

"don't be, please. Why on earth do you need so many berries anyway?"

"Madam Prudence asked for 500 berries but 11am"

"500! That's ridiculous!" I shout to which she shyly nods in agreement. "We better get going then, how many have you got so far?"

"oh no your highness, I can't let you help me, don't worry, I can do it"

"OK, if we're going to friends you must stop calling me 'your highness' ok? Call me Rosé or some form of Chaeyoung, but not actually Chaeyoung, that's what my mother calls me and certainly not your highness. So, how many berries have you picked thus far?" I know I’m rambling, but I will anything to spend as much time as possible with her.

"Including these ones here, about 350 your-- Rosé" I smile and nod before starting to pick more berries.

We continue picking until we've filled 5 baskets with berries and have them neatly lined up against the wall. I go to grab a basket to take to the servant’s entrance when a delicate hand on my forearm stops me.

"Please don't Rosé, if Prudence sees me with you I'll lose my job and I have nowhere else to go"

I understand so I stop, although I don't want to. I wish to spend all my time with her.

"very well, I'll leave you to it... On one condition.” I can see her visibly tense in what I can only assume is fear. I don’t blame her, I have the power to end her employment here or even worse. I smile as kindly as I can before continuing, “You tell me your name"

Her shoulders visibly relax to which I giggle at her uncensored reaction.

"Lalisa, my name is Lalisa Manoban, but please, just call me Lisa" she responds smiling widely. How I wish I could capture that smile and take it wherever I go.

"nice to meet you, Lalisa Manoban," She's smiles at me, and I smile back, I grab her wounded hand, as the other one is still holding a basket of berries, and leave a delicate kiss on her knuckles. I curtsey before walking away leaving her stunned with a basket of berries firmly in her grasp. The satin strip still tied around her hand.

She's perfect.

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