Getting to know you

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A month later Rosé and Lisa's friendship had blossomed. Lisa felt more confident in Rosé's company and allowed herself to be casual and even playful. The girls enjoyed teasing each other for their quirks or even just indulging in the comfortable silence the other provided.

Neither fully understood the feelings developing for the other, but they both new they wanted to share all their time with them...


Midday had arrived once more as I waited with my rose for my other precious flower. A tentative knock alerted me to her presence, so I quickly unlocked the door a pulled her inside, leaning on the door as I lock it behind her. Once our security was ensured, I danced across the room to gracefully flop upon the couch.

Lisa approaches me from her position standing by the door with a wide smile, giggling she asks, "So YOUR HIGHNESS, what can I assist you with today?"

"Lalisa, I told you don't ever call me... that..." I scold playfully, eliciting the most beautiful laugh from the brown-haired girl.

"But you can help me with something..." I begin, rather ominously. "There is this servant girl, beautiful eyes, radiant smiles, bangs. She started working with me a few weeks back and every time I see her, my problems seem to dissipate. I need your assistance in getting to know her... better." Lisa's cheeks went deep red as she attempted to hide her blushing face.

"Well that all depends..." She mumbles in an attempt to continue our flirting game but only coming across as simply adorable, "What is it you want to know?"



"Absolutely everything."

And with that, confidences overcomes her as she flops on the couch next to me, I take her calloused hand in my manicured ones, gently massaging each finger.

"You should know, my past is... is a... sensitive topic for me..." Lisa stutters a she glances at me with insecurity imbedded in her eyes, "just, promise me... you won't tell anyone..." her scared eyes stare at me hopefully through her full eyelashes... I nod as I whisper

"I promise"

With that she takes a deep breath, resting her head on my chest as she stares at the plain white curve of the wall's opposite us.

"Well, as you know, I was born in Thailand. But you won't know that we were high nobility, my father was an aristocrat and well trusted by the King so were well off. It was just myself, my parents and my older brother Bambam. When I was 10 and my brother was 20, my father was called to South Korea to look over the Thai embassy and so we started our lives here. It was difficult at first, but after a while my governess, a sweet young lady called Sorn, had taught me enough Korean to socialise. One night, I desperately wanted to go to the neighbour's party with my parents, but they said I would be bored so I stayed home with my brother. We read for a while, he had a tea party with me, and he was just about to take me to bed when we noticed an orange glow in the distance. It turns out the Neighbours house had caught fire, we stayed up all night waiting for my parents to come home but it turns out that they had gotten trapped in the Music room. I was 11."

Lisa stopped for a while, I carefully raised my hands holding her face. Using my thumbs thumb's I wiped the tears away, hoping desperately to take some of the pain away as well. She was so young.

"I-I haven't told anyone this."

"You don't have to keep going." I reassured her with a smile.

"N-no, I want to," She hiccupped, glistening eyes gazing into mine, "For some reason I do not know, I feel like I can tell you everything, I feel as though I can trust you."

Before Midnight, I was Happy | ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now